Set Output Data Set Allocation Options panel
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Z Data Tools Set Output Data Set Allocation Options Set processing options as desired and enter EXIT (F3) to save your changes. Enter RESET to restore installation defaults. Data set Space Primary Secondary Management Storage Data Device Units Quantity Quantity Class Class Class Type Audit Log CYL 16 8 SYSALLDA Print CYL 64 32 SYSALLDA Trace CYL 64 32 SYSALLDA SHOWSQL TRK 20 20 SYSALLDA Edit XML TRK 20 20 SYSALLDA Command ===> F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F6=Reset F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
ZDT/Db2 may allocate data sets, depending on function. The allocation attributes for Audit Log, Print, Trace, SHOWSQL (used to display SQL) and XML Edit can be specified here. The Audit Log, Print, and Trace data sets are always permanent (catalogued) data sets. SHOWSQL data sets may be either temporary or permanent. XML Edit data sets are always temporary data sets. Temporary data sets have a high level qualifier like SYSxxxxx and are deleted automatically when the ZDT/Db2 function ends.
Any allocation values specified on this panel might be changed by SMS as part of the allocation process, and temporary data sets might be allocated to VIO, depending on SMS and other system settings.
- Space Units
- Defines the unit of primary and secondary space to be allocated.
- Block of average size.
- KB
- Kilobyte, a kilobyte is 1024 bytes.
- MB
- Megabyte, a megabyte is 1048576 bytes.
- Track of a direct access storage device (DASD).
- Cylinder of a DASD.
- Primary Quantity
- Amount of DASD space to be used for primary space allocation. The range depends on the space unit specified and the DASD device type.
- Secondary Quantity
- Amount of DASD space to be used for secondary space allocation. The range depends on the space unit specified and the DASD device type.
- Management Class
- Name of a management class defined in your Storage Management System (SMS) installation. Do not enter a value on a system without SMS.
- Storage Class
- Name of a storage class defined in your Storage Management System (SMS) installation. Do not enter a value on a system without SMS.
- Data Class
- Name of a data class defined in your Storage Management System (SMS) installation. Do not enter a value on a system without SMS.
- Device Type
- Specifies the device type of the volume to contain the data set. Enter an IBM® device type or a generic device name that is supported by your system.
Parent panels
Child panels
- None.
- None.