Db2® Object Functions panel
You use the Db2® Object Functions panel to create and drop Db2® objects.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Utilities Help
ZDT/Db2 (DFG2) Db2 Object Functions
C Create object D Drop object
Processing Options:
Object Type
1. Database 5. Alias 9. Function
2. Table space 6. Index 10. Stored procedure
3. Table 7. Synonym 11. Trigger
4. View 8. Distinct type 12. Auxiliary Table (Create)
Enter "/" to select option
Confirm object drop
Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
You can select the following option by entering a “/”:
- Object Type
- Used to specify the type of Db2® object to process. The default is 3 (Table).
- Confirm object drop
- Indicates if you want ZDT/Db2 to display a confirmation panel each time you enter a DR(op) command against an object
Parent panels
Child panels
To display this panel… | Use/do this |
Create Database panel | Select object type Database and enter C |
Create Table Space panel | Select object type Table space and enter C |
Create Table panel | Select object type Table and enter C |
Create View panel | Select object type View and enter C |
Create Alias panel | Select object type Alias and enter C |
Create Index panel | Select object type Index and enter C |
Create Synonym panel | Select object type Syntax and enter C |
Create Distinct Type panel | Select object type Distinct type and enter C |
Create Function panel | Select object type Function and enter C |
Create Procedure panel | Select object type Stored procedure and
enter C |
Create Trigger panel | Select object type Trigger and enter C |
Create Auxiliary Table panel | Select object type Auxiliary table and
enter C |
Select object type Database and enter
D |
Select object type Table space and enter D |
Select object type Table and enter D |
Select object type View and enter D |
Select object type Alias and enter D |
Select object type Index and enter D |
Select object type Syntax and enter D |
Select object type Distinct type and enter D |
Select object type Function and enter D |
Select object type Stored procedure and
enter D |
Select object type Trigger and enter D |