Revoke privileges panels
panels are:
- Revoke Application Plan Privileges panel
- Revoke Buffer Pool Privileges panel
- Revoke Collection Privileges panel
- Revoke Column Privileges panel
- Revoke Database Privileges panel
- Revoke Distinct Type Privileges panel
- Revoke Function Privileges panel
- Revoke Package Privileges panel
- Revoke Schema Privileges panel
- Revoke Sequence Privileges panel
- Revoke Storage Group Privileges panel
- Revoke Stored Procedure Privileges panel
- Revoke System Privileges panel
- Revoke Table Privileges panel
- Revoke Table Space Use Privileges panel
ZDT/Db2 displays one of these panels if you use the Privileges utility function (3.5) to revoke privileges for an object type, or if you specify the R line command against an object displayed in a list of Db2® objects.
Format of revoke privilege panels
The revoke privileges panels
are similar to the corresponding grant privilege panels. However,
in place of the To field, the revoke privileges panels contain
the following fields:
- A From field. Use this field to specify the SQLID of the user for whom the privileges are to be revoked (the revokee).
- A By field. Use this field to specify the SQLID of the
user who granted the privileges (the grantor), or
to indicate all grantors.