Row Selection Criteria panel
You use the Row Selection Criteria panel to specify row selection criteria by column.
Panel and field definitions
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ZDT/Db2 (DFG2) Row Selection Criteria Line 1 of 14
Cmd Con ( Column name Op Value )
<-> - <---+----1----+----2----+----3----> <-> <---+----1----+----2----+-- -
*** **** Top of data ****
Command ===> Scroll PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F5=RFind F6=RunTemp
F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
- Cmd
- Prefix command column. You can use the following prefix commands when editing row selection criteria by column:
- A
- Identifies the line after which data is to be moved or copied.
- B
- Identifies the line before which data is to be moved or copied.
- C
- Copy one line.
- Cn
- Copy n rows.
- CC
- Copy block of lines. Mark start and end of block.
- D
- Delete one line.
- Dn
- Delete n lines.
- DD
- Delete block of lines. Mark start and end of block.
- M
- Move one line.
- Mn
- Move n lines.
- MM
- Move block of lines. Mark start and end of the block.
- R
- Repeat one line.
- Rn
- Repeat n lines.
- RR
- Repeat block of lines. Mark start and end of the block.
- RRn
- Repeat block of lines n times. Mark start and end of block.
- Con
- Connector column.
You specify the AND and OR connectors in this column. The default value is AND. You can use abbreviations. For example, if you overtype the existing connector, AND, with
, ZDT/Db2 generates an OR connector.Connectors are only relevant to lines containing expressions (that is, where you have specified an operator in the Op column).
You can overtype the existing connector with one of the following values:- AND or &
- ZDT/Db2 generates an AND connector in the resultant WHERE clause.
- OR or |
- ZDT/Db2 generates an OR connector in the resultant WHERE clause.
- (
- Left parenthesis column.
If you need to define the sequence of evaluation for the resultant WHERE clause by enclosing part of the clause in parentheses, use this column to type a left parenthesis ("(") at the appropriate point.
You can only use a parenthesis on a line containing expressions (that is, where you have specified an operator in the Op column). The number of left parentheses must match the number of right parentheses.
- Column name
- The name of the column.
On 80-byte screens, ZDT/Db2 displays either the column name details (the default) or the data type details for the column. To toggle between ZDT/Db2 displaying the Column name and Data type(length) details, press the PF11 function key.
- Data type(length)
- The Db2® data type and, where
applicable, length of the column.
On 80-byte screens, ZDT/Db2 displays either the column name details (the default) or the data type details for the column. To toggle between ZDT/Db2 displaying the Column name and Data type(length) details, press the PF11 function key.
- Op
- Operator column. Operators are used to create expressions.
When you type an operator in the Op column, it indicates that
you want ZDT/Db2 to form an expression using the column name on that
line of the panel, the operator you have specified and, with the exception
of the operators NL, ¬NL, and NNL, the contents of the Value column.
ZDT/Db2 supports the following operators:
- = or EQ
- True if the terms are equal (numerically, or when padded).
- ¬= or NE
- True if the terms are not equal (inverse of =)
- > or GT
- Greater than
- < or LT
- Less than
- >= or GE
- Greater than or equal to
- \= or ¬<
- Not less than
- <= or LE
- Less than or equal
- \> or ¬>
- Not greater than
- LK
- LIKE predicate. Column must not be numeric.
- ¬LK or NLK
- NOT LIKE. Column must not be numeric.
- BETWEEN. Value must be in the form value1,value2.
- ¬BT or NBT
- NOT BETWEEN. Value must be in the form value1,value2.
- IN
- IN. Value must be in the form value1,value2,…
- ¬IN or NIN
- NOT IN. Value must be in the form value1,value2,…
- NL
- IS NULL. Value must be blank.
- ¬NL or NNL
- IS NOT NULL. Value must be blank.
- RG
- Range. Value must be in the form value1,value2.
- NR
- Not in range. Value must be in the form value1,value2.
- Value
- The character or numeric constant to be used with the specified
operator and column name to create an expression in the resultant
WHERE clause.
When the operator is NL, ¬NL, or NNL, the Value column must be blank. For all other operators, the Value column must not be blank
For operators that support more than one value (BTW, ¬BT, NBT, IN, ¬IN, NIN, RG, or NR), the values must be separated by commas. For operators IN, ¬IN, or NIN, and the column is alphanumeric, you must enclose each value in quotation marks.
If the data type of the column is alphanumeric, the value can be:- A character string not starting or ending with a single quotation mark. and not containing any embedded quotation marks or commas. The case of the string is ignored.
- A character string enclosed in single quotation marks. The string can contain blanks and commas, but not any embedded quotation marks. The case of the string is ignored.
If the data type of the column is numeric, the value must be numeric.
For DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP columns, if you specify a
in the Value field, ZDT/Db2 displays the current date, time, or timestamp values respectively in the required format. - )
- Right parenthesis column.
If you need to define the sequence of evaluation for the resultant WHERE clause by enclosing part of the clause in parentheses, use this column to type a right parenthesis (")") at the appropriate point.
You can only use parentheses on lines containing expressions (that is, where you have specified an operator in the Op column). The number of left parentheses must match the number of right parentheses.
Parent panels
Child panels