- Specifies whether or not a dynamic backout is to be performed when an IMS™ pseudoabend occurs in a Z Data Tools/IMS function running in DLI mode.
- Y
- A dynamic backout is performed when an IMS™
pseudoabend occurs in a Z Data Tools/IMS function
running in DLI mode.
If you specify IMSBKO=Y, users will be able to use the UNDO or CANCEL command when editing a database in DLI mode.
- N
- A dynamic backout is not performed when an IMS™ pseudoabend occurs in a Z Data Tools/IMS function running in DLI mode.
This parameter only takes effect when the ZDT/IMS function is running with an IMS™ log data set.
This parameter is optional. If it is not specified on the HFM1POPI macro statement, ZDT/IMS uses either the value specified on the HFM1POPD macro statement (if specified on that statement), or Y (otherwise).
If you do not want the user to override the value you specify for this parameter, set UIMSBKO=N.