- Specifies whether or not ZDT/IMS accepts the absence of the IMSID
parameter when a batch job runs in DLI mode.
- N
- The IMSID parameter must be specified in the HFMIMSIN input of batch functions that run in DLI mode.
- Y
- The IMSID parameter in the HFMIMSIN input of batch functions that run in DLI mode is optional.
Prior to version 8, ZDT/IMS did not generate an IMSID parameter when the batch function ran in DLI mode.
Therefore, if you are migrating from a version of ZDT/IMS earlier than version 8, and you specify (or default to) COMPAT=N, some ZDT/IMS batch job steps that ran with the version you are migrating from will require modification before they can be run with the new version of ZDT/IMS.
In particular, you will need to add the IMSID parameter to ZDT/IMS
job steps:
- That execute the IXB, ILB, IPR, IEB or IBB function and that specify REGNTYPE=DLI.
- That execute the DIB function.
If you specify COMPAT=Y, JCL generated by versions of ZDT/IMS earlier than version 8 should run without modification.
However, COMPAT=N is recommended.
This parameter can only be specified on the HFM1POPD macro statement.
This parameter is optional. The default is N. The user cannot override the value you specify for this parameter.