- Specifies the 3-character suffix of the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS™ PROCLIB data set that contains the settings and attributes of the IMS™ catalog. This member is used by functions that run in DLI mode
when IMS™ management of ACBs is enabled (ACBMGMT=CATALOG) and
the IMS™ Catalog Definition exit routine (DFS3CDX0) is not
When the member is used, ensure that it has a CATALOG section in which the CATALOG parameter is set to YES, the ACBMGMT parameter is set to CATALOG and the ALIAS parameter is set to the alias for the IMS catalog. If the IMS catalog database and its secondary index are not registered with DBRC (REGCATLG=N), ensure that their names are specified on the UNREGCATLG parameter in the DATABASE section of the member.
This parameter is optional. If it is not specified on the HFM1POPI macro statement, ZDT/IMS uses either the value specified on the HFM1POPD macro statement (if specified on that statement), or 000 (otherwise).
The user cannot override the value you specify for this parameter.