TX (Tape to REXX Variable) -- REXX only
- Purpose
- Copy tape records into a REXX stem variable.
- Usage notes
- Each record is copied to a variable named stem.nnn. stem.0
is a counter. For example, if you copy 3 records, stem is VARXX. and VARXX.0 has the value 5:
- The records are copied to VARXX.6, VARXX.7, and VARXX.8.
- The value of VARXX.0 is changed to 8.
This function is available only from a REXX procedure.
- Related functions
- TS
- Copy tape data to a data set
- XT
- Copy a REXX stem variable to a tape file
- ddname
- Refers to a DD or TSO ALLOC statement.
- Specifies that bypass label processing is used. This parameter must be specified with the first Z Data Tools function that uses the tape. For BLP processing requirements, see “Customizing the Security Environment” in the Z Data Tools Customization Guide.
- nlrecs
- Number of records to be copied or ALL. The maximum number is 99 999 999. If you specify ALL or omit the parameter, all the remaining records are copied.
- recfmin
- Record format for the input. Each value is a combination of the
following letters:
- B
- Blocked
- D
- Variable-length ISO/ANSI tape records
- F
- Fixed length
- S
- Spanned format
- U
- Undefined length
- V
- Variable length
- recsize
- Length of the input records, if recfmin is F or FB. If recfmin is F, the length of the first record is used by default. If recfmin is FB, recsize is required.
- skip
- Number of logical records to be skipped. The default is 0.
- stem
- A REXX stem variable name. The maximum length is 44 characters.
/* REXX */
/* copy a tape file to a rexx stem */
/* allocate input tape */
/* use SL processing. required file is at */
/* position 1 */
/* copy a tape file to a rexx stem */
/* Show stem contents */
Do i=1 To tape.0
Say tape.i /* show tape record */
/* free the tape unit */