DSG (Data Set Generate)
- Purpose
- Use the DSG function to create and initialize data values in VSAM
data sets, sequential data sets, PDS members, HFS files, MQ queues, or CICS® resources.
You specify the number of records that are to be created and how they are to be initialized. You can initialize the data with fill characters and patterns. When you use a copybook or a template you can initialize records at the field level. You can change the field create attributes for individual fields by editing the copybook or template.
- Options
- You can specify a fill character or fill pattern, a sequence field, and a block size.
- Return codes
- The default return codes from the DSG function have the following
modified meanings:
- 4
- No records generated because zero records specified
- 16
- No records generated because DISP=MOD specified for member
- 16
- No records generated because key not fully within data
- 16
- Member name required and not specified
- 16
- Program Object specified - this is not supported
- 16
- Data set in use
- 16
- Data set or member in use
- 16
- Data set or member open error
- 16
- Other input or output error occurred
- 16
- Insufficient storage available
- 16
- DSG abended
- 16
- Other serious error that stops processing occurred
Note: Return codes can be customized during installation. If you receive return codes that do not match those listed above, your site might have customized the return codes for this function. Z Data Tools may also issue the 999 abend, if the return code in batch is equal to or greater than the ABENDCC value. Contact your Z Data Tools systems administrator for details. - Related functions
- BT
- Write test data to a tape file
- Initialize a tape
- OUTPUT=ddname
- Defines a reference to a DD or TSO ALLOC statement for the output
data set or HFS file. The default is
. - DSNOUT=dsname
- Defines the name of the output data set or an absolute path to
the output HFS file. If any DD statements are
specified, they are not used. The name may include a member name in parenthesis. If the member
is specified here, the associated Member parameter must be empty.
An absolute path to an HFS file (directory) must be enclosed in apostrophes. If it does not fit on one line, you can split it overmore than one line.
You can further describe this data set, as follows:- (member)
- Where DSNOUT=dsname specifies a PDS and you want to send the output to a specific member within this data set, this defines the output member name.
- VOLSEROUT=volser
- Volume serial number for a new or non-cataloged data set.
- MQ:manager:queuename
- You can specify a MQ queue in place of a data set name, where:
- manager
- The MQ manager to be used. If you specify a generic name, Z Data Tools displays a list of matching managers to select from.
- queuename
- The queue to be used. If you specify a generic name, Z Data Tools displays a list of matching queues to select from.
- rt:applid:rname
- You can specify a CICS® resource
in place of a data set name, where:
- rt
- Resource type. Valid values are:
- FI
- For a CICS® file.
- TD
- For a Transient Data Queue.
- TS
- For a Temporary Storage Queue.
- applid
- The VTAM® applid of the CICS® system.
- rname
- The name of the resource.
- Specifies whether to invoke a user I/O exit, to process the output
data set.
- NO
- Default. Do not invoke a user I/O exit.
- Invoke a user I/O exit to process the output data set. This option is only available if the person who did the site customization for Z Data Tools allowed user I/O exits on a site-wide basis.
- Specifies the name of the user I/O exit used for the output data
set. There are no restrictions on the programming language that you
can use to write an exit. The exit must be provided to
Z Data Tools in the STEPLIB/ISPLLIB concatenation or their extensions (LINKLIST,
LPA, and so on).
- sysexit
- Default. If you specify USEIOXOUT=YES and do not supply a user
I/O exit name, Z Data Tools uses the name of the exit provided in
the installation customization options. If USEIOXOUT has been set
to YES and no installation default has been provided, you must specify
IOXOUT=ioxname. Note: If you have selected batch processing in an online panel, the generated JCL statements use the default name provided in your Set System Processing Options panel.
- ioxname
- The name of a PDS(E) member of a data set that has been provided to Z Data Tools in the STEPLIB concatenation.
- BINRECOUT=binrecout-len
- Specifies the record length for processing the HFS file. Valid
range: 1 to 32760.
The file is processed in Binary mode (fixed-length records derived from the file, delimiters not distinguished). If you do not specify this parameter, the file is processed in Text mode (variable-length records, boundaries determined by delimiters).
- Specify YES to replace any existing records in the output data set (if it is defined with the REUSE parameter in the catalog). Specify NO to add new records without deleting the old records. The default is NO.
- Disposition of the output data set. Specify OLD or MOD.
- Writes input records to the existing output data set, starting from the beginning.
- Default. Appends the input records to the end of the existing
output data set. Note: If you are appending to a sequential data set, ensure that the existing data set does not contain data in ISPF Packed Data format. Appending records to a packed data set results in data errors.
Note: SMS might modify the allocation of new data sets on your system. For details, contact your SMS Administrator. - RECSIZE=recsize
- 1-9999999, depending on the output file characteristics.
For fixed record formats the record length is set to the record length and user input is ignored.
For undefined record formats the record length is set to the block length and user input is ignored.
For variable record formats the record length specified is used if it is less than the maximum record size. Otherwise the maximum record size is used and user input is ignored.
When the data create function is used with a template, the length of the records written depends upon whether the records are fixed-length or variable-length, and the length of the record description in the template (note that the length of the record in the template must always be less than or equal to the data set record length). The value specified in recsize is ignored when using a template.
For fixed-length records created with a template, all records have the length specified for the data set. If the length of the record in the template is less than the data set record length, the records are padded with the fill character.
For variable-length records created with a template, the length of each record depends on the length of the record built using the field attributes in the template. If the template record description contains one or more variable-length arrays, the length of the record varies according to the value or values assigned to objects of the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses.
- NLRECS=nlrecs
- Number of logical records to be written. The maximum is 999 999 999.
- FILLCHAR=fillchar
- To fill each byte of each record with data, specify one of the
- char
- A character, such as 0 to be written in each byte. (To specify a lowercase character such as 'a', use either C'a' or X'81'.)
- X'cc'
- A binary character, such as X'04' to be written in each byte.
- AN
- To write alphanumeric characters (A to Z and 0 to 9).
- To write binary characters (X'00' to X'FF').
- To write random binary characters (X'00' to X'FF').
If you specify AN or BIN, characters are written in a “ripple” pattern. For example, if you specify AN, the first 3 records look like this:
The default is a blank.
- KEYLOC=keyloc
- Position (starting with 1) of the sequence field within the output
records. If omitted, there is no sequence field. Note: KEYLOC is not the same as a VSAM KSDS key position. KEYLOC refers to a "virtual" key field (sequence number) created in all records to identify a specific record within a file.
- KEYLEN=keylen
- Length of the sequence field, from 1 to 9. The default is 8. Note: KEYLEN is not the same as a VSAM KSDS key length. KEYLEN refers to a "virtual" key field (sequence number) created in all records to identify a specific record within a file.
- INCR=incr
- Increment value for the sequence field. The default is 10.
- LIKE=likedsname
- Name of the data set to be used as the model for the output allocation.
Z Data Tools uses the TSO prefix (as defined for your user ID) used as the high-level qualifier for any name that is not enclosed in quotation marks.
If copying data sets,
denotes the current input data set.The model data set must reside on a DASD volume, be cataloged, and SMS must be active.
- Determines if Z Data Tools writes the output data in ISPF packed
format. This keyword is ignored when processing VSAM data sets. When
an I/O exit has been specified for either the input or output data
set (or both), the only valid option is PACK=NONE.
- Instructs Z Data Tools to write the output in ISPF packed format.
- Instructs Z Data Tools not to write the output in ISPF packed format.
Note: Do not use the DISP=MOD and PACK=PACK option at the same time. Appending packed data to a packed or non-packed sequential data set results in data errors. Appending non-packed data to a packed data set also results in data errors. - Template processing
- The template processing parameters define which template is used
to describe the structure of the new records and how
Z Data Tools processes the template.
- TOUTPUT=ddname
- Defines a reference to a DD or TSO ALLOC statement for the data
sets which contain the copybook or template that describes the record
structure of your output data. The default is TDDOUT.
If you specify a concatenated DD, then you must provide the member name, member.
- TOUTMEM=member
- The name of the copybook or template member in the datasets identified by the TOUTPUT parameter if it has not been specified on the DD statement. This parameter must not be specified if the TCOUT parameter is specified.
- TCOUT=tcout(member)
- PDS and member name of the copybook or template that describes the record structure of your output data.
- The length of the 01 field in the template and the start locations
of the fields within that 01 field are adjusted by the value provided.
- value
- The offset value, which must be in the range -32760 to 32760, to be applied to the corresponding field identifier. If no field identifier is supplied and ALL is not used, the value is applied to the first Level 01 field in the “To” template.
- Where the template contains multiple record structures, this keyword
applies the corresponding value to all Level
01 fields within the “To” template. Note: You can specify a value for ALL and then override this value for individual layouts by providing subsequent value and fieldname combinations.
- fieldname
- The name of the Level 01 field to which value is applied. The default is the first Level 01 field in the “To” template.
- Copybook processing
- COBOL options
- The following options are used to compile a COBOL copybook into
a template:
- Use the DBCS compiler option.
- Use the NODBCS compiler option.
For details on the effect of the DBCS and NODBCS compiler options, see the IBM COBOL Programming Guide for OS/390 & VM.
- Do not use the COBOL SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph "Decimal-point is comma".
- Use the COBOL SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph "Decimal-point is comma".
- Do not use the COBOL compile option ARITH(EXTEND).
- Use the COBOL compile option ARITH(EXTEND).
- Field names stored in the template in uppercase.
- Field names stored in the template in the original case as coded in the COBOL copybook.
Up to
five pairs of “From” and “To” pseudo-text character strings for
the COBOL REPLACE compiler-directing statement.
If your COBOL copybooks contain characters that you want to remove or replace with other characters before compiling the copybooks into templates, then use these replacing options.
For example, if your copybooks contain colon characters (:) that you want to remove before compiling, then specify
as operand1 and'====='
as operand2.For details on specifying “From” and “To” strings for COBOL REPLACE, see the IBM COBOL Language Reference.
- Sets the maximum acceptable return code for a copybook compile.
A return code higher than the specified level causes the function
to stop. Default is 4. Note: The COMPMAXRC parameter is still supported but it is recommended that the CBLMAXRC parameter is used instead. If you do specify the COMPMAXRC parameter, it takes precedence over the language MAXRC.
- Allows you to specify a list of up to ten data set names to be
specified in the SYSLIB concatenation list. These data sets are searched
in the order specified for COPY and INCLUDE members for the compilation.
- dsname
- The name of the data set name to be processed. Generic name masks are not allowed.
- Additional COBOL compiler options which are included in a CBL statement when compiling COBOL copybooks.
- PL/I options
- The following options are used to compile a PL/I copybook into a template:
- Use the LIMITS(FIXEDBIN(63)) compiler option.
- BIN63=NO
- Use the LIMITS(FIXEDBIN(31)) compiler option.
- Use the LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(31)) compiler option.
- DEC31=NO
- Use the LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(15)) compiler option.
- Use the GRAPHIC compiler option.
- Use the NOGRAPHIC compiler option.
- Use the DEFAULT RANGE (*) UNALIGNED, language statement to change the default alignment.
- Use the PL/I default.
- Sets the maximum acceptable return code for a copybook compile. A return code higher than
the specified level causes the function to stop. Default is 4. Note: The COMPMAXRC parameter is still supported but it is recommended that the PLIMAXRC parameter is used instead. If you do specify the COMPMAXRC parameter, it takes precedence over the language MAXRC.
- Allows you to specify a list of up to ten data set names to be specified in the SYSLIB
concatenation list. These data sets are searched in the order specified for COPY and INCLUDE
members for the compilation.
- dsname
- The name of the data set name to be processed. Generic name masks are not allowed.
- Additional PL/I compiler options which are included in a *PROCESS statement when compiling PL/I copybooks.
For details on the effect of these compiler options, see the IBM VisualAge PL/I for OS/390 Programming Guide.
- HLASM options
- The following options are used to compile a HLASM copybook into
a template:
- Use the DBCS compiler option.
- Use the NODBCS compiler option.
- Use the NOALIGN compiler option.
- Use the ALIGN compiler option.
- Sets the maximum acceptable return code for a copybook compile.
A return code higher than the specified level causes the function
to stop. Default is 4. Note: The COMPMAXRC parameter is still supported but it is recommended that the ASMMAXRC parameter is used instead. If you do specify the COMPMAXRC parameter, it takes precedence over the language MAXRC.
- Allows you to specify a list of up to ten data set names to be
specified in the SYSLIB concatenation list. These data sets are searched
in the order specified for COPY and INCLUDE members for the compilation.
- dsname
- The name of the data set name to be processed. Generic name masks are not allowed.
- Additional HLASM compiler options which are included in a *PROCESS statement when compiling COPY and MACRO members.
//DSG JOB (acct),'name' Create VSAM Data
CISZ(4096) -
FREESPACE(30 30) -
KEYS(12 0) -
RECORDS(1000 100) -
RECORDSIZE(234 234) -
This example shows how to define a new data set set using a "model" data set (supports VSAM and non-VSAM data sets) and fill it with some data.
Note that the new data set is allocated based on the "model" data set as described by the LIKE parameter.