Print a formatted or unformatted audit trail report.
Usage Notes
You must specify the name of the audit trail data set from which you want to produce
a report. If the audit trail is from ZDT/IMS or
ZDT/Db2, you must also indicate that.
You can choose between printing an unformatted report or, if the audited
function used a template, a report formatted according to the template you used.
You can also specify whether or not you want the audit trail data set to be
deleted after printing. You can provide a description to help to identify the
audit trail report. For ZDT/Db2, you can
specify any non-standard null display character used.
Related functions
Figure 1. Syntax
Defines a reference to a DD or TSO ALLOC statement for the input
data set or HFS file. The default is DDIN.
Specifies the name of the audit trail log data set.
Optional identification for the audit trail report. Must be within
quotation marks if it contains blanks.
Determines the formatting of the audit trail report.
Default. Report is formatted according to the template used in
the audited Edit session.
Report is not formatted.
Determines whether or not the audit trail data set is deleted after printing.
DELETELOG is not allowed for log data sets allocated using a DD statement.
Default. The audit trail data set is not deleted.
The audit trail data set is deleted after the report is printed.
Specifies the subsystem used for the audited Edit session. Can be BASE, IMS, DB2, or
CICS. BASE is the default.
Default. All fields are reported.
Only fields that are changed are reported.
Specifies the null indicator character to be used in an audit
trail report for Db2® data.
Produces an UPDOWN hexadecimal display below the formatted field
display when FORMAT=YES. Otherwise no effect.
Produces an UPDOWN hexadecimal display below the formatted field
display when FORMAT=YES, only for fields that contain non-displayable
characters. Otherwise (FORMAT=NO) no effect.
Highlights the changed fields. An asterisk is placed to the left
of the "before" data to indicate the field has been changed.
Displays key fields even when CHANGED=YES has been selected. A
"K" is printed to the left of key field names. For a KSDS data set,
a key field is any elementary field that intersects, or is contained
in, the key area. Note: does not apply to Db2® audit reports.