DSV (Data Set View)
- Purpose
- The DSV function displays the Data Set View or View Entry panel, in online mode. This function can be invoked from a REXX program or a TSO clist or entered on an ISPF Command line, but cannot be used in batch jobs as it is an interactive function.
- Usage notes
- When invoked from an ISPF Command line without a parameter, the
Data Set View Entry panel is displayed in interactive mode and you
can specify a valid data set for browsing. If you include a valid
data set name as a parameter, then you bypass the Entry panel, and
go directly to viewing the specified data set.
When invoked from a REXX procedure or TSO list, you must supply the data set name.
- Related functions
- Display Data Set Browse or Browse Entry panel
- Display Data Set Edit or Edit Entry panel
- Update disk data set records
- Update disk data set records
- 1 VSAM only.
- DSNIN=dsname
- Defines the name of the data set to be viewed. If any DD statements are
specified, they are not used. The name may include a member
name in parenthesis. If the member is specified here, the associated
Member parameter must be empty. Must be specified when $DSV is invoked
from a REXX procedure or TSO clist.
Can be omitted when DSV is entered on a command line. If specified, you bypass the Entry panel, and go directly to the Data Set View panel. When omitted, the Data Set View Entry panel is displayed in interactive mode and you can specify a valid data set for browsing.
You can further describe this data set, as follows:
- MEMBER=member
- The name of a single member in a PDS, or a member name pattern
representing one or more members in a PDS. If the data set is a PDS,
you must specify this parameter.
A member name pattern can consist of any characters that are valid in a member name and two special pattern characters: the asterisk (*) and the percent symbol (%).
- *
- represents any number of characters. As many asterisks as required
can appear anywhere in a member name pattern. For example, if you
enter a member name pattern of
, all members in the PDS whose name contains “d” are processed. - %
- is a place holding character that means a single character. As
many percent symbols as necessary can appear anywhere in a member
name pattern. For example, if you enter a member name pattern of
, all members in the PDS whose name is four characters in length are processed.
MEMBER=member is ignored if the data set is not a PDS.
- VOLSERIN=volser
- Volume serial number for a non-cataloged data set.
- MQ:manager:queuename
- You can specify a MQ queue in place of a data set name, where:
- manager
- The MQ manager to be used. If you specify a generic name, Z Data Tools displays a list of matching managers to select from.
- queuename
- The queue to be used. If you specify a generic name, Z Data Tools displays a list of matching queues to select from.
- rt:applid:rname
- You can specify a CICS® resource
in place of a data set name, where:
- rt
- Resource type. Valid values are:
- FI
- For a CICS® file.
- TD
- For a Transient Data Queue.
- TS
- For a Temporary Storage Queue.
- applid
- The VTAM® applid of the CICS® system.
- rname
- The name of the resource.
- Number of logical records to be skipped from the beginning of the data set. The default is 0.
- KEY=key (VSAM only)
- A key for KSDS records, or a slot number for RRDS records. The maximum
key length is 30 characters. The first record with a key or slot value greater
than or equal to key is the first record copied.
If you omit the key and skip
values, browsing begins with the first record in the data set.
If the key contains lowercase characters, blanks, or commas, enclose it in quotation marks. You can also specify a key in hexadecimal format (for example, X'C1C2C3').
- TCIN=tcin(member)
- PDS and member name of the copybook or template that describes the record structure of your data set.
- The length of the 01 field in the template and the start locations
of the fields within that 01 field are adjusted by the value provided.
- value
- The offset value, which must be in the range -32760 to 32760, to be applied to the corresponding field identifier. If no field identifier is supplied and ALL is not used, the value is applied to the first Level 01 field in the template.
- Where the template contains multiple record structures, this keyword
applies the corresponding value to all Level 01
within the template.
Note: You can specify a value for ALL and then override this value for individual layouts by providing subsequent value and fieldname combinations.
- fieldname
- The name of the Level 01 field to which value is to be applied. The default is the first Level 01 field in the template.
- Copybook processing
- COBOL options
- The following options are used to compile a COBOL copybook into a template:
- Use the DBCS compiler option.
- Use the NODBCS compiler option.
For details on the effect of the DBCS and NODBCS compiler options, see the IBM COBOL Programming Guide for OS/390 & VM.
- Do not use the COBOL SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph "Decimal-point is comma".
- Use the COBOL SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph "Decimal-point is comma".
- Do not use the COBOL compile option ARITH(EXTEND).
- Use the COBOL compile option ARITH(EXTEND).
- Field names stored in the template in uppercase.
- Field names stored in the template in the original case as coded in the COBOL copybook.
- Up to five pairs of “From” and
“To” pseudo-text character strings for the COBOL REPLACE compiler-directing
If your COBOL copybooks contain characters that you want to remove or replace with other characters before compiling the copybooks into templates, then use these replacing options.
For example, if your copybooks contain colon characters (:) that you want to remove before compiling, then specify
as operand1 and'====='
as operand2.For details on specifying “From” and “To” strings for COBOL REPLACE, see the IBM COBOL Language Reference.
- Sets the maximum acceptable return code for a copybook compile. A return code higher than the
specified level causes the function to stop. Default is 4. Note: The COMPMAXRC parameter is still supported but it is recommended that the CBLMAXRC parameter is used instead. If you do specify the COMPMAXRC parameter, it takes precedence over the language MAXRC.
- Allows you to specify a list of up to ten data set names to be specified in the SYSLIB
concatenation list. These data sets are searched in the order specified for COPY and INCLUDE members
for the compilation.
- dsname
- The name of the data set name to be processed. Generic name masks are not allowed.
- Additional COBOL compiler options which are included in a CBL statement when compiling COBOL copybooks.
- PL/I options
- The following options are used to compile a PL/I copybook into a template:
- Use the LIMITS(FIXEDBIN(63)) compiler option.
- BIN63=NO
- Use the LIMITS(FIXEDBIN(31)) compiler option.
- Use the LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(31)) compiler option.
- DEC31=NO
- Use the LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(15)) compiler option.
- Use the GRAPHIC compiler option.
- Use the NOGRAPHIC compiler option.
- Use the DEFAULT RANGE (*) UNALIGNED, language statement to change the default alignment.
- Use the PL/I default.
- Sets the maximum acceptable return code for a copybook compile. A return code higher than
the specified level causes the function to stop. Default is 4. Note: The COMPMAXRC parameter is still supported but it is recommended that the PLIMAXRC parameter is used instead. If you do specify the COMPMAXRC parameter, it takes precedence over the language MAXRC.
- Allows you to specify a list of up to ten data set names to be specified in the SYSLIB
concatenation list. These data sets are searched in the order specified for COPY and INCLUDE
members for the compilation.
- dsname
- The name of the data set name to be processed. Generic name masks are not allowed.
- Additional PL/I compiler options which are included in a *PROCESS statement when compiling PL/I copybooks.
For details on the effect of these compiler options, see the IBM VisualAge PL/I for OS/390 Programming Guide.
- HLASM options
- The following options are used to compile a HLASM copybook into a template:
- Use the DBCS compiler option.
- Use the NODBCS compiler option.
- Use the NOALIGN compiler option.
- Use the ALIGN compiler option.
- Sets the maximum acceptable return code for a copybook compile. A return code higher than
the specified level causes the function to stop. Default is 4. Note: The COMPMAXRC parameter is still supported but it is recommended that the ASMMAXRC parameter is used instead. If you do specify the COMPMAXRC parameter, it takes precedence over the language MAXRC.
- Allows you to specify a list of up to ten data set names to be specified in the SYSLIB
concatenation list. These data sets are searched in the order specified for COPY and INCLUDE
members for the compilation.
- dsname
- The name of the data set name to be processed. Generic name masks are not allowed.
- Additional HLASM compiler options which are included in a *PROCESS statement when compiling COPY and MACRO members.
For details on the effect of these compiler options, see the HLASM V1R6 Programmer's Guide.
For more information on using this function, see:
- Invoking Z Data Tools panels from outside Z Data Tools
- Introduction to programming with Z Data Tools functions
- Invoking Z Data Tools panels from REXX procedures or TSO clists