Switching the dynamic domain manager to the new dynamic domain manager configured as backup
Switch the old dynamic domain manager to become a backup dynamic domain manager. As a result, the backup dynamic domain manager you installed in the previous step, becomes the current dynamic domain manager.
About this task
Switch to your new dynamic domain manager configured as backup, so
that it becomes your current dynamic domain manager, by completing the following
- Stop the workload broker server on the
dynamic domain manager at the previous
product version level, by running the following command:
- On Windows operating systems
stopBrokerApplication.bat -user username -password password [-port portnumber]
- On UNIX and Linux operating systems
stopBrokerApplication.sh -user username -password password [-port portnumber]
- Switch the dynamic domain manager to
its backup workstation. Use either the Dynamic Workload Console or run the
where dyn_dom is the domain where you installed the backup dynamic domain manager and the new_mgr_cpu is the backup dynamic domain manager workstation name.conman switchmgr dyn_dom;new_mgr_cpu
- From the new current dynamic domain manager, unlink the old dynamic domain manager
where old_ddm_wks is the old dynamic domain manager workstation name at the previous product version that now has the backup role.conman "unlink old_ddm_wks"
For more detailed information about switching a domain manager, see Complete procedure for switching a domain manager.