Performing a direct upgrade from v 9.5.0.x or v 10.x.x to v 10.2.x

Detailed steps to perform a direct upgrade from version 9.5.0.x or v 10.x.x to version 10.2.x

Figure 1. Direct upgrade procedure from v 9.5.0.x or 10.x.x
In a direct upgrade procedure, you can start by optionally upgrading WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base to the latest supported version for all relevant components, then upgrade the Dynamic Workload Console with its database, the domain managers and their backups, the dynamic domain manager and its backups with their database, the master domain manager and its backups with their database, and finally the agents, as listed below:
  1. Upgrading WebSphere Application Server Liberty on the workstations hosting Dynamic Workload Console and the server components (dynamic domain manager and its backups, master domain manager and its backups)
  2. Performing a direct upgrade of the Dynamic Workload Console and its database
  3. Performing a direct upgrade of agents and domain managers
  4. Performing a direct upgrade of the dynamic domain manager, its backups, and their database
  5. Performing a direct upgrade of the backup master domain manager and its database
    1. Switching the master domain manager to the upgraded backup master
    2. Making the switch permanent
  6. Performing a direct upgrade of the master domain manager
    1. Switching back to the master domain manager from the backup master domain manager
    2. Making the switch permanent
  7. Upgrading agents and domain managers
  8. Enabling product encryption after upgrading
The order of the steps depends on the upgrade order you choose after upgrading the Dynamic Workload Console, which is the component to be upgraded first. Supported orders are:
Upgrade components in the following order:
  1. backup domain managers and domain managers
  2. dynamic domain managers
  3. backup master domain manager
  4. master domain manager
  5. agents
This order ensures that events involving folders are correctly managed by the master domain manager and sent to agents at a supported version level.

When you have a backup master domain manager at the V9.5 Fix Pack 2, or later, but the master domain manager is still at a previous product version level, problems can occur when monitoring objects that support the definition in a folder such as, prompts, workstations, and resources, as well as objects that contain the workstation in their object identifier, for example, job streams. More specifically these objects are not displayed in the results of the monitoring query on the plan if you use filters in your query. To solve this problem, upgrade the master domain manager to the V9.5 Fix Pack 2 level, or later, and then run planman resynch.

Many of the new functions that are introduced in the current version become available for each agent as it is upgraded. The disadvantage is that the same functions are not available to all agents at the same time.
Upgrade components in the following order:
  1. agents
  2. backup domain managers and domain managers
  3. dynamic domain managers
  4. backup master domain manager
  5. master domain manager
The new functions that are introduced in the current version are not available until the whole network is upgraded.

In this typical upgrade procedure, the top-down order is used.

Installation with custom certificates
If you have version 9.5 installed with custom certificates, then after upgrading to 10.2 you must ensure that the parameters and the name of the relevant certificates in the localopts file are correct.
If you have previously used certificates generated with OpenSSL, check the paths in the following section:
  • For Open SSL, check:
    • SSL key
    • SSL certified
    • SSL key pwd
    • SSL CA certified
    • SSL random seed
If you have used GSKit, the relevant parameters are automatically migrated to the new OpenSSL parameters:
  • SSL Version
  • SSL Ciphers
  • CLI SSL Ciphers
  • CLI SSL Version

If the value of these fields corresponds to an incorrect path, then stop the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base, make the necessary changes, and refer to the client's certificates, and then Restart.

For more information, see Setting local options.