Installing WebSphere Application Server Liberty

Installing WebSphere Application Server Liberty to the latest supported version. This is an optional step you might want to perform before you upgrade the Dynamic Workload Console and the server components.

Before you begin

On AIX and Linux workstations, ensure you permanently set the ulimit parameter as follows:
  • data segment process (option -d) = unlimited
  • file size (option -f) = unlimited
  • max user processes (option -u) = >260000 up to unlimited
  • open files (option -n) = >100000 up to unlimited
  • max memory size (option -m) = unlimited
  • stack size (option -s) = >33000 up to unlimited
On the master domain manager, these settings must be applied to:
  • root
  • the HCL Workload Automation administrative user
On the Dynamic Workload Console, these settings must be applied to:
  • root
  • the Dynamic Workload Console installation user (if this user is different from root)
Ensure that your system meets the operating system and Java requirements. For more information, see WebSphere Application Server Liberty detailed system requirements.

About this task

You can quickly install Open Liberty by extracting an archive file on all supported platforms.

If you already have WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base installed, you can use it with HCL Workload Automation, otherwise you can install Open Liberty, as described below.

Install Open Liberty on all of the following workstations, which comprise a typical installation:
  • master domain manager
  • backup domain manager
  • two Dynamic Workload Console installations on two separate workstations

If you plan to install a dynamic domain manager and its backup, these components require a separate Open Liberty installation.

On UNIX workstations, you can install Open Liberty using a user of your choice. In this case, assign the HCL Workload Automation administrative user read and write access to the Open Liberty installation directory.

To install Open Liberty, perform the following steps:


  1. Download Open Liberty from Get started with Open Liberty.

    Check the required version of the Application server in the Supported Software document available in Product Requirements. Download the package named All GA Features for the required version.

  2. Install Open Liberty by extracting the archive file to a directory of your choice.
    On Windows operating systems
    unzip <openliberty_download_dir>\openliberty-<version>.zip -d <install_dir>
    On UNIX operating systems
    unzip <openliberty_download_dir>/openliberty-<version>.zip -d <install_dir>
    The directory where you downloaded Open Liberty.
    The number of the fix pack.
    The directory where you want to install Open Liberty.
    Note: Note that the value of the <install_dir> parameter must match the value to be defined for the wlpdir parameter when installing the master domain manager and its backup, dynamic domain manager and its backup, and the Dynamic Workload Console.
  3. Ensure the HCL Workload Automation administrative user has the rights to run Open Liberty and full access to the installation directory. If Open Liberty is shared between the master domain manager and the Dynamic Workload Console, ensure also the Dynamic Workload Console user has the same rights.


You have now successfully installed Open Liberty.

What to do next

You can now proceed to Encrypting passwords (optional) or to Creating and populating the database for the Dynamic Workload Console.