Updating fault-tolerant agent and dynamic agent instances
A description of the Update agent action on fault-tolerant agents and dynamic agents.
About this task
Monitor Workstations
task from Dynamic Workload Console, or when you schedule a centralized
agent update job, HCL Workload Automation completes the
following steps:- The fix pack or upgrade installation package is copied to the master domain manager workstation, and its content is extracted
to the following default directory:
- For fault-tolerant agent workstations:
- On Windows™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\download
- On UNIX™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>/TWS/stdlist/download
- For dynamic agent workstations:
- On Windows™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\JM\download
- On UNIX™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>/TWS/stdlist/JM/download
- For fault-tolerant agent workstations:
- On Windows™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>\localopts
- On UNIX™ operating systems:
- <TWA_DATA_DIR>/TWS/localopts
- For dynamic agent workstations:
- On Windows™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>\TWS\ITA\cpa\config\JobManager.ini
- On UNIX™ operating systems:
- <TWA_DATA_DIR>/ITA/cpa/config/JobManager.ini
Note:If the path specified in DownloadDir does not exist, a warning message is issued and the default download directory is used.
If you are updating both fault-tolerant agent and dynamic agent instances on the same workstation, be sure that you specify different download directories.
On the agent workstation, the following script runs automatically:
- For fault-tolerant agent workstations:
- On Windows™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\download\.self\selfupdate.wsf
- On UNIX™ operating systems:
- <TWA_DATA_DIR>/stdlist/download/.self/selfupdate.sh
- For dynamic agent workstations:
- On Windows™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\JM\download\.self\selfupdate.wsf
- On UNIX™ operating systems:
- <TWA_DATA_DIR>/stdlist/JM/download/.self/selfupdate.sh
The centralized agent update script, named selfupdate, performs a backup of the agent workstation, runs the twsinst installation command, and creates the following log file:- On Windows™ operating systems:
- <TWA_home>\TWS\logs\centralized_update.log
- On UNIX™ operating systems:
- <TWA_DATA_DIR>/TWS/logs/centralized_update.log
Note:If for any reason the agent update fails, the selfupdate script restores the agent to its initial status. The backup files are removed after the agent update completes successfully. The backup files are not removed when the agent restore fails or is successful. For more information about restoring agent instances, see the troubleshooting scenario Manually restore agent instances when the automatic restore fails. To modify the backup directory, specify the new directory in the BACKUP_DIR variable in the selfupdate.wsf script.