Setting up the conman command-line program
About this task
The conman command-line program manages the production plan environment.
You can use the conman program from the master domain manager and from any fault-tolerant agent workstation in the
HCL Workload Automation network.
On dynamic agents,
the following conman commands are supported:
You can decide to maintain an audit
trail recording any changes they perform and the related justifications. To enable the
justification option, set up in a system shell the HCL Workload Automation environment variables
listed below before running any conman commands:
- Specify the description to be recorded for each change performed by commands in the shell. The maximum length for this value is 512 characters. A warning message displays if you exceed the maximum and excess characters are truncated.
- Specify the category to be recorded for each change performed by commands in the shell. The maximum length for this value is 128 characters. A warning message displays if you exceed the maximum and excess characters are truncated.
- Specify the ticket to be recorded for each change performed by commands in the shell. The maximum length for this value is 128 characters. A warning message displays if you exceed the maximum and excess characters are truncated.
You can customize the logging and tracing level for conman commands by setting the relevant values for the tws.loggers.trcConman.level property, available in the Conman.ini.
The Conman.ini file is located in
the following path:
On UNIX™ operating systems
- TWA_DATA_DIR/ITA/cpa/config
On Windows™ operating systems
- TWA_home\TWS\ITA\cpa\config