Orchestration CLI
The command line interface to run jobs or job streams in plan and to interact with HCL Workload Automation V10.1 Fix Pack 1.
You can configure Orchestration CLI on different operating systems, such as Windows, Linux and Mac.
Orchestration CLI is embedded in the dynamic agent of HCL Workload Automation, but you can also download the command line as a stand-alone package from Flexnet.
You need to run the executable file to configure Orchestration CLI. The path to the executable depends on how the package was downloaded. You can find more information as follows:
- Orchestration CLI embedded in the dynamic agent
- Both the master domain manager and
the dynamic agent must
be updated to V 0.1 Fix Pack 1. You can find the executable file in the
following path:
On Windows operating systems, <TWA_home>\bin.
On Unix operating systems, <TWA_DATA_DIR>/TWS/bin.
Note: If you set the tws_env script, the Orchestration CLI executable file can be run starting from any other path. For more information, see Setting the environment variables -
- Orchestration CLI as stand-alone package
- You can download the Orchestration CLI stand-alone package from Flexnet. When the download process is complete, you can extract the executable file and save it on any path that you want.