
Modifies or adds scheduling objects. When modifying objects, the modify command extracts only the objects that can be locked by the current user.


You must have add access if you add a new scheduling object. If the object already exists in the database, you must have modify access to the object, otherwise, composer is unable to find the objects.

To modify security objects, you must have permission for the modify action on the object type file with attribute name=security.


{modify | m}
{[calendars | calendar | cal=[folder/]calname] |
[eventrule | erule | er=[folder/]eventrulename] |
folder|fol |
[parms | parm | vb=[[folder/]tablename.]variablename] |
[vartable | vt=[folder/]tablename] |
[prompts | prom=[folder/]promptname] |
[resources | resource | res=[[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]resourcename] |
[runcyclegroup | rcg=[folder/]runcyclegroupname] |
[cpu={[folder/]workstationame | [folder/]workstationclassname | domainame}]
[workstation | ws=[folder/]workstationame] |
[workstationclass | wscl=[folder/]workstationclassname] |
[domain | dom=domainame] |
[jobs | jobdefinition | jd=[[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]jobname] |
[sched|jobstream|js= [[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]jstreamname
   [valid from date|valid to date |valid in date date]
] |
[users | user=[[folder/]workstationame#]username] |
[accesscontrollist | acl for securitydomainname] |
[securitydomain | sdom=securitydomainname] |
[securityrole | srol=securityrolename]


calendars | calendar | cal
If no argument follows, modifies all calendar definitions.

If argument [folder/]calname follows, modifies the calname calendar. Wildcard characters are permitted.

eventrule | erule | er
If no argument follows, modifies all event rule definitions.

If argument [folder/]eventrulename follows, modifies the eventrulename event rule. Wildcard characters are permitted.

folder | fol
If no argument follows, modifies all folder definitions.

If argument foldername follows, modifies the foldername folders. Wildcard characters are permitted.

If no argument follows, modifies all global variable definitions found in the default variable table.
If argument [folder/]tablename.variablename follows, modifies the specified variable of the tablename table. If tablename is omitted, composer looks for the variablename variable definition in the default variable table. Wildcard characters can be used on both tablename and variablename. For example:
modify parms=@.@
Modifies all variables on all tables.
modify parms=@
Modifies all variables on the default table.
modify parms=@.acct@
Modifies all the variables whose name starts with acct on all the existing tables.
Remember: The action of modifying or adding a variable locks the variable table that contains it. This implies that, while the table is locked, no other user can run any other locking commands on it or on the variables it contains.
vartable | vt
If no argument follows, modifies all variable table definitions.

If argument [folder/]tablename variable table follows, modifies the tablename variable table. Wildcard characters are permitted.

prompts | prom
If no argument follows, modifies all prompt definitions.

If argument [folder/]promptname follows, modifies the promptname prompt. Wildcard characters are permitted.

resources | resource | res
If no argument follows, modifies all resource definitions.

If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]resourcename follows, modifies the resourcename resource of the workstationame workstation in the specified folder on which the resource is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.

runcyclegroup | rcg
If no argument follows, modifies all run cycle group definitions.

If argument [folder/]runcyclegroupname follows, modifies the runcyclegroupname run cycle group. Wildcard characters are permitted.

Modifies workstations, workstation classes, or domains.
The name of the workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted.
The name of the workstation class. Wildcard characters are permitted.
The name of the domain. Wildcard characters are permitted.
If no argument follows, modifies all workload application template definitions.

If argument [folder/]workloadapplicationtemplatename follows, modifies the specified workload application template. Wildcard characters are permitted.

workstation | ws
If no argument follows, modifies all workstation definitions.

If argument [folder/]workstationname follows, modifies the workstationname workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted.

domain | dom
If no argument follows, modifies all domain definitions.

If argument domainname follows, modifies the domainname domain. Wildcard characters are permitted.

workstationclass | wscl
If no argument follows, modifies all workstation class definitions.

If argument [folder/]workstationclassname follows, modifies the workstationclassname workstation class. Wildcard characters are permitted.

jobs | jobdefinition | jd
If no argument follows, modifies all job definitions.

If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]jobname follows, modifies the jobname job of the workstationame workstation on which the job runs. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. If [folder/] is omitted, then the root folder is assumed. If a relative path is used to specify the folder then the current folder is assumed. Wildcard characters are permitted.

sched | jobstream | js
If no argument follows, modifies all job stream definitions.

If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]jstreamname follows, modifies the jstreamname job stream of the workstationame workstation on which the job stream is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. If [folder/] is omitted, then the root folder is assumed. If a relative path is used to specify the folder then the current folder is assumed. Wildcard characters are permitted.

valid from
date Restricts the selection to job streams that have a valid from date equal to the indicated value. The format is mm/dd/yyyy.
valid to
date Restricts the selection to job streams that have a valid to date equal to the indicated value. The format is mm/dd/yyyy.
valid in
date date The time frame during which the job stream can run. The format is mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy. One of the two dates can be represented by @.
Modifies all job definitions contained in the job stream.
users | user
If no argument follows, modifies all user definitions.

If argument [folder/]workstationame#username follows, modifies the username user of the workstationame workstation in the specified folder on which the user is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.

accesscontrollist | acl
If no securitydomainname argument follows, modifies the access control list definitions for all the security domains.

If argument securitydomainname follows, modifies the access control list definitions for the securitydomainname security domain. Wildcard characters are permitted for securitydomainname .

securitydomain | sdom
If no securitydomainname argument follows, modifies all the security domains definitions.

If argument securitydomainname follows, modifies the securitydomainname security domain definition. Wildcard characters are permitted for securitydomainname .

securityrole | srol
If no securityrolename argument follows, modifies all the security roles definitions.

If argument securityrolename follows, modifies the securityrolename security role definition. Wildcard characters are permitted for securityrolename .


The modify command performs the following sequence of actions:
  1. Locks the objects in the database.
  2. Copies the objects definition into a temporary file.
  3. Edits the file.
  4. Replaces the definition contained in the temporary file to the database.
  5. If the modify command fails on a subset of the selected objects, composer asks "do you want to re-edit?" and the file saved before is reopened for editing and the next steps of the sequence are repeated.
  6. Unlocks the objects in the database.

Event rule definitions are opened with an XML editor (see Event rule definition for XML reference and see The composer editor for details on setting up an XML editor).

If you modify with the same modify command two or more objects linked together by any relationship, for example a successor job and its predecessor job, then it might be relevant for the successful result of the modify command the order in which the objects are listed in the temporary file. This happens because the modify command reads in sequence the objects contained in the temporary file; so, if the referencing object is displayed before the object being referenced, the modify command might fail on the referencing object.

For example, if the command:
produces the following temporary file:

and you change the name of the predecessor job from FTA1#DEVDIR/MY-JOB06 to FTA1#DEVDIR/MY-JOB05 in both job streams FTA1#TESTDIR/PROVA and FTA1#TESTDIR/COPYOFPROVA, then the modify command:
  1. At first tries to change the definition of job stream FTA1#TESTDIR/PROVA and it fails because it finds a follows dependency from a job FTA1#TESTDIR/MY-JOB05 which is still unknown.
  2. Then it tries to change the definition of FTA1#DEVDIR/COPYOFPROVA and it succeeds.
The second time you run modify to change the predecessor job from FTA1#DEVDIR/MY-JOB06 to FTA1#DEVDIR/MY-JOB05 in job stream FTA1#TESTDIR/PROVA, the command is successfully performed since the predecessor job FTA1#TESTDIR/MY-JOB05 now exists in the database.

If job stream FTA1#DEVDIR/COPYOFPROVA had been listed in the temporary file before FTA1#PROVA, then the modify command would have run successfully the first time because the name of the predecessor job would have been modified before changing the dependency definition in the successor job.

For user definitions, if the password field keeps the "*******" value when you exit the editor, the old password is retained. To specify a null password use two consecutive double quotation marks (").

The modify command checks for loop dependencies inside job streams. For example, if job1 follows job2, and job2 follows job1 there is a loop dependency. When a loop dependency inside a job stream is found an error is displayed. The modify command does not check for loop dependencies between job streams because, depending on the complexity of the scheduling activities, this check might be too time and CPU consuming.


To modify all calendars, run the following command:
modify calendars=@
To modify job stream sked9 stored in the folder named "Tools" that is launched on workstation site1, run the following command:
m sched=site1#Tools/sked9
To modify all the event rules that include an action with job DPJOB10, run:
mod er=@;filter job=DPJOB10
To modify workstation Austin, stored in folder Texas, run the command:
m ws Texas/Austin

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same tasks as described in:

the Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide.