Controlling the event log fields
About this task
You can add a field to the event log, remove a field from the event log, or change the order of the fields in the event log.
- Click .
- Do any of the following:
- To add a field to the display, set the check box next to the column heading for the field.
- To remove a field from the display, clear the check box next to the column heading for the field.
- To change the display order, select a column heading for
a field to move and click one of the following controls:
- On Linux and the UNIX system, the up arrow or down arrow
- On Windows systems, Up or Down
Continue clicking until the field is positioned.
Note: The order of the column headings for the fields from top to bottom as listed on the Display page corresponds to the order from left to right in the display. For example, if User is displayed at the top of the list on the Display page, the username field is the leftmost column in the display.
- Click OK.