Before accessing files from dynamic views
Dynamic views provide access to versions in mounted VOBs. Access differs depending on the platform and the way in which the view is accessed.
Dynamic view access on Linux® and UNIX workstations
To access files from a dynamic view on Linux® and UNIX workstations, you must start or set the view.
Starting a view starts or connects to the view_server process of the dynamic view and establishes view-extended naming access. Setting the view creates the view_server process that is set to the dynamic view and establishes transparency, the ability to use standard paths to access version-controlled objects. The associated view_server process resolves a standard path to an element into a reference to one of the versions of the element.
You must mount the VOBs that contain your source files. When you log on to your workstation, all VOBs with public VOB tags are mounted. You must mount any VOBs with private VOB tags.
Dynamic view access from VersionVault Windows Explorer
The Views page in the Shortcut pane of HCL VersionVault Windows Explorer provides means for accessing views and navigating among the views. For any view that you own (that is, that you create with the Join Project wizard or View Creation wizard) and that is not associated with a UCM project, VersionVault Windows Explorer adds to the General page an icon with the view tag. This is the view shortcut. Each time VersionVault Windows Explorer starts or you refresh view shortcuts, the software checks for views that do not have shortcuts and creates the shortcuts for you.
For UCM views, VersionVault Windows Explorer creates a page for each project that you join and places view shortcuts on the associated project page. By convention, your development view is named username_project-name, and your integration view is named username_project-name_integration.
The VersionVault Windows Explorer title bar shows the location of the view in your computer namespace. Any command you issue from VersionVault Windows Explorer that requires a path uses the path displayed in the title bar. To assign a different path to a dynamic view (for example, to change the drive letter that is assigned to a view), modify the view shortcut.
To access other views (that is, views that you do not own) from VersionVault Windows Explorer (for example, to access a team member's view), add a view shortcut to the Views page.
Dynamic view access from Windows® Explorer
If you assign a view to a drive, the view is started when you log on to your computer so that you can access it from Windows® Explorer. You can access any view that you have started on your computer from the dynamic-views-drive (by default, drive M) in Windows® Explorer. When you access a view from the dynamic-views-drive, its path includes one more component than when you access a view from an assigned drive letter.
You do not need to create a view shortcut in VersionVault Windows Explorer to access a view from Windows® Explorer. If a dynamic view is started on your computer, you can access it from Windows® Explorer.