Preparing to install the HCL Traveler server from a download image on IBM® i

You can download an installation package for the HCL Traveler Server for IBM® i.

Ensure that Domino® 14.0.0, 12.0.2, 12.0.1, 12.0.0, 11.0.1, 11.0.0, 10.0.1 or 9.0.1 is installed.
Note: If installing a Traveler fixpack follow the instructions matching the target Domino version. For example, if installing Traveler 14.0 FP1 on Domino 14.0 FP2 follow the instructions for installing on Domino 14.0.0.
Perform the following procedure to download the installation package and create save files:
  1. Download the installation package for the HCL Traveler Server if you have not already done so. Then on your workstation, extract the zipped installation package, which contains:
    • A short Readme document
    • The IBM i Traveler binary save file QNTSINSTF:
      • For Traveler on Domino 14.0.0, the file is in the \140000 folder.
      • For Traveler on Domino 12.0.2, the file is in the \120002 folder.
      • For Traveler on Domino 12.0.1, the file is in the \120001 folder.
      • For Traveler on Domino 12.0.0, the file is in the \120000 folder.
      • For Traveler on Domino 11.0.1, the file is in the \110001 folder.
      • For Traveler on Domino 11.0.0, the file is in the \110000 folder.
      • For Traveler on Domino 10.0.1, the file is in the \100001 folder.
      • For Traveler on Domino 9.0.1, the file is in the \901 folder.
  2. Sign on to the system with a user profile that has *ALLOBJ and *SECADM authority.
  3. To create a library and the required empty save files for the HCL Traveler software, on any IBM® i command line, run the commands that correspond to your version or versions of Domino.
    For Traveler on Domino 14.0.0:
    CRTLIB trav140000
     CRTSAVF trav140000/QNTSINSTF
    For Traveler on Domino 12.0.2:
    CRTLIB trav120002
     CRTSAVF trav120002/QNTSINSTF
    For Traveler on Domino 12.0.1:
    CRTLIB trav120001
     CRTSAVF trav120001/QNTSINSTF
    For Traveler on Domino 12.0.0:
    CRTLIB trav120000
     CRTSAVF trav120000/QNTSINSTF
    For Traveler on Domino 11.0.1:
    CRTLIB trav110001
    CRTSAVF trav110001/QNTSINSTF
    For Traveler on Domino 11.0.0:
    CRTLIB trav110000
    CRTSAVF trav110000/QNTSINSTF

    For Traveler on Domino 10.0.1:

    CRTLIB trav100001
    CRTSAVF trav100001/QNTSINSTF

    For Traveler on Domino 9.0.1:

    CRTLIB trav901
  4. Open a Windows Command Prompt on your workstation and change to the directory that contains the downloaded files.
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 14.0.0:
    cd c:\mydir\140000
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 12.0.2:
    cd c:\mydir\120002
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 12.0.1:
    cd c:\mydir\120001
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 12.0.0:
    cd c:\mydir\120000
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 11.0.1:
    cd c:\mydir\110001
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 11.0.0:
    cd c:\mydir\110000
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 10.0.1:
    cd c:\mydir\100001
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 9.0.1:
    cd c:\mydir\901
  5. Start an SFTP session with your system and transfer the downloaded files to the save files you created earlier. Use the same user profile that you used in step 2. 
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 14.0.0:
    sftp username@[your IBM i server name or IP address]
      put QNTSINSTF trav140000/QNTSINSTF
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 12.0.2:
    sftp username@[your IBM i server name or IP address]
      put QNTSINSTF trav120002/QNTSINSTF
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 12.0.1:
    sftp username@[your IBM i server name or IP address]
      put QNTSINSTF trav120001/QNTSINSTF
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 12.0.0:
    sftp username@[your IBM i server name or IP address]
      put QNTSINSTF trav120000/QNTSINSTF
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 11.0.1:
    sftp username@[your IBM i server name or IP address]
      put QNTSINSTF trav110001/QNTSINSTF
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 11.0.0:
    sftp username@[your IBM i server name or IP address]
      put QNTSINSTF trav110000/QNTSINSTF
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 10.0.1:
    sftp username@[your IBM i server name or IP address]
      put QNTSINSTF trav100001/QNTSINSTF 
    For example, for Traveler on Domino 9.0.1:
    sftp username@[your IBM i server name or IP address]
      put QNTSINSTF trav901/QNTSINSTF 

The save files on your system now contain the HCL Traveler Server software.