Auto-status change preferences

The following table lists the auto-status change preferences for the HCL® Sametime® Connect Client and Sametime® Embedded Client for Notes®.

Table 1. Auto-status-Change Preferences -  release 7.5.x and later
Attribute Variable type Description Release
lockPCWithOSLock Boolean. Default is true. Available "Locking computer with operating system lock" feature. 7.5.1 and later
keyboardMouseInactivity Boolean. Default is true. Available "Keyboard and mouse inactivity" feature. 7.5.1 and later
whenIamInAOnlineMtg Boolean. Default is false. Available "When I am in an online meeting" feature. 7.5.1 and later
selectStatusOnlyScreenShare Boolean. Default is false. Determines whether to select the "Change my status only when I'm sharing my screen" check box. 7.5.1 and later
autoChangeMyStatusInMtg Boolean. Default is false.

Determines whether to select the "Automatically change my status" radio button. Note that if this radio button is set as true, then the "Prompt me before changing my status" radio button will be UNavailable. If this is set as "false", the "Prompt me before changing my status" radio button will be available. After

is set as true,

works for screen share status.

7.5.1 and later
minutesForIdleKeyboardMouse Integer. Default is 20 Sets the "When I have not used my keyboard or mouse for the following number of minutes:" text field. 7.5.1 and later
backWhenUnlocked Boolean. Default is true. Determines whether to select the "Return to previous status when activity is resumed" in "Locking computer with operating system lock" check box. 7.5.1 and later
backWhenKeyboardMouseActive Boolean. Default is true. Determine whether to select the "Return to previous status when activity is resumed" in "Keyboard and mouse inactivity" check box. 7.5.1 and later
blRetrievalRetryDelay Integer. Default is 15000 ms. Determines how long the client waits before trying again to retrieve the contact list from the storage service if the initial attempt times out. The default is 15 seconds, expressed as milliseconds. 8.5.2 IFR1 and later