Meeting preferences (Sametime 9.0.1 only)

These settings pertain to environments that include the Sametime 9.0.1 Meeting Server. They are not valid on Sametime 11.6 Meeting Servers.

A variety of Sametime 9.0.1 meeting preferences can be managed for the HCL® Sametime® Connect Client and Sametime® Embedded Client for Notes®.

The following tables list meeting preferences that can be managed for installed clients, sorted by plug-in name.

Table 1. Meeting preferences in the plug-in
Attribute Variable type Description Version
hasMic Boolean. Default is false. Specifies whether the user's computer has a microphone. 7.5.1 and later
hasSpeakers Boolean. Default is false. Specifies whether the user's computer has speakers. 7.5.1 and later
hasCamera Boolean. Default is false. Specifies whether the user's computer has a camera. 7.5.1 and later
hideLegacyMeetingUI Boolean. Default is false. For hiding all legacy meeting UI. 8.5 and later
Table 2. Meeting preferences in the plug-in
Attribute Variable type Description Version
connectionType Default is 0. Controls how the meetings client connects to the server. The default is 0, which makes a direct connection from the client to the server. Change this to 1 if the client connects to the server through a reverse-proxy connection. 8.5 and later
meetingServerHostName String. We are currently phasing out this setting and replacing it with the setting serverName. The setting meetingServerHostName currently sets the initial value of the meeting server to connect to, but all further changes should use the serverName setting as it will take precedence. 8.5 and later
serverName String Name of the meeting server to connect to. For example: 9.0 and later
serverPort String. Default is 80. Specifies server port number. 8.5 and later
useCommunityCredentials String. Default is true. If the user can re-use their credentials from the community server they are logged into, set this to true. Otherwise, false. The community server and meeting servers must both be configured for single sign-on. 8.5 and later
useHTTP String. Default is true Uses HTTP 8.5 and later
useHTTPS String. Default is false. Uses HTTPS 8.5 and later
useHTTPProxy String. Default is false. If clients should connect using a forward HTTP proxy, set this to true. 8.5 and later
proxyServerName String. Name of proxy server to use. For example, 8.5 and later
proxyServerPort String Port number of the proxy 8.5 and later
reverseProxyUrl String. URL for the reverse proxy. If the client is using a reverse proxy to connect, set this to the correct proxy URL. 8.5 and later
canRemoveServer String. Default is true. Set this to "false" if this server should not be removed by the end user. 8.5 and later
canAddOtherServers String. Default is true. Set this to "false" if users cannot add other servers. 8.5 and later
communityServerName String. Name of the community server. This must match the community server name that is configured in the client. 8.5 and later
hideUI String. Default is false. Hides the entire Sametime® Meeting user interface after the user logs in (shelf appears by default until the user logs in and preferences are activated). 8.5 and later
loginByToken Boolean. Default is false. If the community server and meeting server are configured in the same single sign-on domain, this key, when set to true, forces the meeting client to log in with the LTPA token from the community server. If the meeting server is configured to re-use the community server credentials, the client automatically attempts to log in with a user name and LTPA token before falling back to a user name and password. Note that clients running releases earlier than 8.5.2 can also use an LTPA token but do not attempt to do so automatically and have no fallback mechanism. This value cannot be applied to specific meeting servers. Because it is a global setting for all servers, do not use this value if you have these older clients and some community servers and meeting servers that are not configured for single sign-on. 8.5 through Not used in 8.5.2.
meetings.launchURLRichClient Boolean. Default is true. The meetings.launchURLRichClient setting works only for meetings accessed using a URL. By default, when a user joins a meeting room anonymously, this setting redirects the user from the web browser to the Sametime® Connect Client. Set the value to "false" to allow the user to remain in the web browser.
Note: This setting does not work properly if the meeting URL is a secure URL (https) and has an untrusted server certificate.
8.5 and later
meetings.showMeetingAlert Boolean. Default is true. By default, displays the meeting alert for scheduled meetings. Set the value to "false" to skip meeting alerts. 8.5.2 and later
meetings.showMeetingAlertMins String. A number from 0 - 99. If the preference is set to display meeting alerts for scheduled meetings on the calendar, this preference is the number of minutes before that meeting to display the alert. 8.5 and later
meetings.recentRoomCount String. A number from 0 - 99. Indicates how many rooms should be displayed in the Recent Meeting Rooms view in the meeting shelf. 8.5 and later
instantMeetingShowDialog Boolean. Default is false. When set to "true," this preference allows the user to specify which room to use when inviting another user to a room. Otherwise, the default room configured in preferences is used for invitations. 8.5 and later
defaultProvider Boolean. Default is false. When set to true, this preference allows the user to specify which service provider to use as default audio/video service provider for instant meetings or newly created Sametime® meeting rooms. 9.0 and later
Table 3. Meeting screen-sharing preferences in the plug-in
Attribute Variable type Description Version
lastServerConnectionOnlySetting Boolean. Default is true. The default value of true disables peer-to-peer connections when screen sharing. Setting the value to "false" allows peer-to-peer connections. 8.5.1 and later
lastScreenSharingSliderSetting String. 1, 2, or 3. The default is 2. Sets the position of the sharing quality slider on the screen sharing host dialog:
  • 1 - Fastest speed, possibly reducing quality
  • 2 - Middle, balance between speed and quality (default)
  • 3 - Best quality, possibly reducing speed
8.5.1 and later
maximumP2PConnections Integer. The default is 5. The maximum number of peer-to-peer connections that can be accepted when hosting a screen sharing session. 8.5 and later
Table 4. Meeting user interface preferences in the plug-in
Attribute Variable type Description Version
loginEnforceEmailValidation Boolean. Default is true. Setting this value to false omits the e-mail address validation on the meeting server configuration page and when the user logs in. Do not set this value to "false" if clients connect to older Meeting Servers because it can cause policy validation issues in the client. 8.5.2 and later.
enableAddOfflineManager Boolean. Default is true. Allows the room owner to add the name of a user who is currently off-line as a room manager. 9.0 and later.
Table 5. Meeting participant preferences in the plug-in
Attribute Variable type Description Version
updateCanonicalDisplayNames Boolean. Default is true. By default, if the user name in a meeting room is the full canonical name (cn=name/ou=org unit/o=org), the name is truncated. Set this flag to false to prevent truncation. and later.
Table 6. Meeting participant preferences in the plug-in
Attribute Variable type Description Version
enableAddOfflineManager Boolean. Default is false. Setting this value to true allows a room manager to designate a user who is not currently in the meeting room as a room manager. The meeting Participant view displays the option Add more managers in the Edit Room Meeting Settings dialog box. 9.0.1 and later.
Table 7. Meeting polling preferences in the plug-in
Attribute Variable type Description Version
pollingDisabled Boolean. Default is false. Set this parameter to true to disable the polling tool. This entry is superseded by a server policy introduced in V8.5.2. For clients connecting to older servers, this preference can be used to disable the tool.