Adding additional Sametime administrators
Sametime Community server is installed on top of a Domino server. There are some administration and installation tasks that must be performed using the HCL Notes Client or HCL Notes Administrator client.
About this task
In order to use these clients, the administrator must have a Notes ID file, which is created when a new user is registered. Contact your Domino Administrator to register additional administrative users.
The additional Sametime administrators can be added to a new or existing group to be given access, or added individually to the Access Control List of the databases used by Sametime.
The Sametime administrator needs editor (or higher) access to the Access Control Lists of the following databases in order to configure the server:
- names.nsf
- stconfig.nsf
- stlog.nsf
- stofflinemessages.nsf
- Directory Assistance Database (optional, filename varies)
- log.nsf
Additional References:
For more information on registering users, see User registration.
For more information on the LocalDomainAdmins group, see Using groups.