Adding or updating contacts from an email, meeting invitation, or to do item

You can add a new contact from an email, meeting invitation, or to do item you receive. If you receive mail from an existing contact who has a new email address, you can also update the existing contact record.


  1. Select the email, invitation, or to do.
  2. Click More > Add Sender to Contacts. If the sender is not already included in your Contacts, the contact entry is created.
  3. Optional: If the Add Sender to Contacts dialog box displays a message that there is already an entry for this person in your Contacts, do one of the following:
    • If there is no change in the information displayed, select Skip.
    • If the information displayed is different than the contact entry and you want to use the newer information, select Update.
  4. Optional: If this contact has Internet mail and you want to encrypt future messages that you send to the contact, click Advanced and make sure Include X.509 certificates when encountered is selected.
    Note: Whenever you are asked to add certificates for this contact from a message, click More > Add Sender to Contacts again to update the entry with the latest information.