连接到服务器时, Notes ®使用位置文档和帐户文档来配置这些连接。位置文档包含Notes ®所需的信息,以便在您更改连接到服务器的方式时管理您的连接;例如,您的家庭位置可能会使用操作系统中的远程访问软件拨打您的 Internet 服务器,而您的在线位置则假定您已连接到 LAN。帐户文档包含 Internet 连接(例如 Internet 邮件)的信息,例如用户名和密码。
The first time you start Notes®, Notes® asks a series of configuration questions. Using your
answers to these questions, Notes® automatically sets up your
connections and accounts to Notes® applications, your mail,
and the Internet. You can create or edit a connection or account at any time by clicking . Notes® stores all the resulting information
in , as well as in your Contacts under Advanced
- A Connection document contains information Notes® needs to locate a specific Domino® server, such as the server's Domino® name and network address (usually an IP address). To see your Connection documents, open your Contacts and click .
- A Location document contains information Notes® needs to manage your connections whenever
you change the way you're connecting to servers. You usually change
the way you connect when you start Notes® in
a physical location away from your LAN. To see your Location documents,
click .
例如,当您切换到家庭(网络拨号)位置时, Notes ®会尝试使用操作系统中的远程访问软件拨打您的 Internet 服务器(组织中的网络服务器或 ISP)并为您提供访问权限。使用您首选的 Internet 浏览器访问 Internet,以及访问 Internet 邮件和新闻组。当您切换回联机位置时, Notes ®假定您已重新连接到 LAN。如果所提供的位置均不适合您连接到Notes ®的方式,您可以创建自己的位置文档。
- An Account document contains information, such as user name and password, about an Internet connection such as Internet mail or an Internet newsgroup. You may already have Internet mail accounts with your organization or service provider; Notes® will create the equivalent Account documents in your Contacts application. To see your Account documents, open your Contacts and click .
大多数人大部分时间都在 LAN 上使用Notes ®工作,但您可以使用多种方法在远离组织网络时进行连接。您可以在断开连接时脱机工作,并在下次连接时使用复制将您的信息与Domino ®服务器同步。
- 局域网
- 电缆调制解调器和数字电缆服务(也称为宽带或光纤服务)
- DSL 调制解调器、数字用户 (DSL) 电话线以及组合所需的任何连接硬件
- 与您的操作系统兼容的拨号调制解调器、直拨、模拟电话线以及操作系统中可用于呼叫网络服务器或 ISP 的远程访问软件。Notes ®不支持使用调制解调器直接拨号。
您还需要收集用于连接到邮件、 Sametime ®联系人、活动、 Notes ®应用程序和 Internet 的某些信息,具体取决于物理连接的类型和您要使用的应用程序的类型。要了解Sametime ®和活动所需的信息,请参阅帮助的这些部分。请参阅以下段落,了解邮件、 Notes ®应用程序和 Internet 所需的信息。
- Domino®服务器上的Notes®邮件
- Internet 邮件,可以通过 Internet 服务提供商 (ISP) 在商业服务器上,也可以在组织的内部 Internet 服务器上
- Both Notes® and Internet mail
For Internet mail, you also need to find out whether your organization or service provider offers the Post Office Protocol (POP) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) for incoming mail, and decide whether you want to use a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for outgoing Internet mail, or send outgoing Internet mail through a Domino® server.
Sametime® connections
- If your administrator has not set up your Sametime® server connection through a policy, you must obtain the name of your Sametime® server and enter it by clicking .
- Decide whether you want to log on to Sametime® automatically upon starting Notes®, or manually. You can adjust this setting on initial login, or later by clicking , Sametime®, Communities, and the name of your server.
Connections to Notes® applications
- If you're using a LAN, Notes® manages your connections to the Domino® servers that hold Notes® applications. Ask your administrator for assistance if you have trouble getting to a particular server. Or, if you know the server name and IP address, click , open the location, and click the Connection Configuration Wizard button near the top of the window.
- If you're connecting using a dialup phone line, you need the names of Domino® servers you want to access. If your organization has no network, passthru, or hunt group server, you may also need phone numbers for each Domino® server. A network server lets you make one call to connect to all Domino® servers and, if your organization allows it, the Internet. A passthru or hunt group server lets you make one call to connect to groups of Domino® servers. Ask your Domino® administrator what servers your organization has available.
- If you're connecting using cable or DSL service, you need the names of Domino® servers you want to access.
If you're using a LAN, your organization may give you direct access to the Internet, or access through a firewall using a proxy server. Ask your administrator for all relevant proxy server and gateway information before you configure Notes®.
对于其他物理连接方法,您的组织可能有可用的网络服务器,您可以拨打该服务器来访问 Internet。或者您可以拨打互联网服务提供商的电话来获取访问权限。
如果您使用 LAN、电缆或 DSL 连接,则需要网络服务器的 Internet 地址。如果您使用电话线,您还需要服务器的完整电话号码。
与 Internet 新闻组或地址目录的Connections
当您的 Internet 连接正常时,请检查您的 Internet 服务提供商(或组织的内部 Internet 服务器)是否有可用的新闻组 (NNTP) 或地址目录 (LDAP) 服务器。此信息通常可从 ISP 网站或管理员处获取。
对于此连接 |
这些事情你需要知道 |
邮件地址的 Internet 目录 |
您的 ISP 分配的 LDAP 目录地址(例如 ldap.myisp.com) |
互联网新闻组 |