ネットワーク ダイヤルアップの場所または接続を手動で設定するにはどうすればよいですか?
If you have remote access service (RAS) software in your operating system, such as Microsoft™ Dial-Up Networking, HCL Notes® can use that software to call a network server and connect from there to HCL Domino® servers in your organization, to Web servers on the Internet, or to both.
About this task
You may have access to a network server either through an ISP, through your organization's intranet, or both. Ask your organization's network administrator whether there is a network server you can use.
Notes® saves information about network servers in Home Location documents of the Network Dialup type and in Network Dialup Server Connection documents.
The easiest way to set up any type of location is to click Notes® asks, letting Notes® create or edit documents in your Contacts automatically. Before using the wizard, make sure you are using a Network Direct Dialup location, for example, Home.
, and answer the questionsThe simplest way to configure a network server connection for either Domino® mail, Internet mail, newsgroups, or Internet (LDAP) directories is to open your Network Dialup location and click the Connection Configuration Wizard button. Or, you can create a Network Dialup Server Connection document manually. You can edit a Network Dialup Server Connection document at any time, for example if the phone number for the network server changes.
For information on replicating using a network server connection, see To replicate with a selected server and To create a call entry.
To create a Network Direct Dialup Location document manually
- From the menu, click
- Click the Home location and then click Edit.
- On the Basics tab, for Location type click Network Dialup.
- Click the Servers tab, and enter the hierarchical name of your home server, for example: maileast/acme, in the Home/mail server field.
- Optional: If your organization has a Domino® directory server, enter its name, for example acmedirectory/acme, in the Domino directory server field.
- On the Ports tab, under Ports to use, make sure a LAN port is enabled.
- On the Mail tab, make sure the Mail file location field is set to Local so that you can work offline. The Mail file field contains the mail file path name on the server, for example, mail\jqpublic.
- Enter the Notes® mail domain name. This is usually the company-wide domain name, acme for example.
- Click OK.
To set up a Network Dialup Server Connection document manually
- Click the Open button and click Contacts.
Do one of the following:
- To create a new Connection document, clickNew button and then click Server Connection. . Click the
- To edit an existing Connection document, clickEdit button. (Make whatever changes you want on the Basics or Network Dialup tabs.) , click the network server name, and click the
- Click the Basics tab.
- In the Connection type field, click Network Dialup.
- In the Server name field, enter the name of the server you want to access, for example, the_network@acme.com.
- In the Use LAN port field, specify an enabled port that uses the same protocol driver as the network server. For example, if the network server uses TCP/IP, specify TCP/IP.
- Click the Network Dialup tab.
- In the Choose a service type field, click Microsoft Dial-Up Networking.
Complete the fields in the Configuration section.
If you are unsure of the necessary information, contact your service
provider or organization 's network administrator. You can click Edit
Configuration as a shortcut to make changes to this section.
Tip: This configuration information is specified in your operating system software.
- Optional: Click the Comments tab to add information for your own reference.
- Optional: Click the Advanced tab to specify additional settings such as a dedicated location for this connection, or login scripts.
- Click Save and Close.