Creating and managing mail archives

Creating and managing mail archives includes creating an archive file, restoring a document from an archive, viewing the archive files and viewing the archive log file.

Before you begin

Complete these steps:
  • Determine how you want to archive.
  • Set archive preferences.


Perform any of these tasks to create and manage archives:
Table 1. Tasks to create and manage archives
Task Steps
Create an archive file
  1. Select the document you want to archive.
  2. Click the arrow next to the Move to Folder icon Move to folder icon and arrow and then select Archive.
Note: If you are archiving locally and you have not already installed the HCL Domino® Sync Manager, the first time you archive a document, you are prompted to download the Domino Sync Manager software. Click Yes to install.
Restore a document from an archive
  1. Select the document you want to restore.
  2. Click the arrow next to the Move to Folder icon Move to folder icon and arrow and then select one of these options:
    • Restore -- to copy the archived message from the archive file and restore it to your mail file.
    • Restore and Delete -- to remove the archived document from the archive file and then delete it.
View your archive file Expand the Archive view in the navigation pane, and then select an archive.
View your archive log file You must view your archive log from your HCL Notes® client. Open the archive log, archive\l_username.nsf, the same way you would open any Notes application.