Searching older email
When you first install and set up HCL Traveler for Microsoft™ Outlook (HTMO), existing mail that is more than 30 days old is not synced to Outlook. HTMO users with HCL Verse™ subscriptions can use the Mail Search feature to find older email on their mail servers and display it in Outlook.
Before you begin

To search all your email on the server, use either of the following options:
- Search a local mail folder such as your Inbox. If the search doesn't find what you want, click Search Mail to extend the search to all of your email on the server.
- Click the Mail Search tab and enter text in the search box that is shown.
- The results are shown in the Mail Search Results folder, which becomes the active folder.
- The most recent emails are shown first. If more than 50 emails are found, click Get next 50 results to see more.
- Results stay in the Mail Search Results folder until you search the mail server again, at which point they are overwritten.
- If you search your local Outlook Inbox, results can include results from your last Mail search.
- You can't move emails in the Mail Search Results folder to another folder.