Using HCL Traveler for Microsoft Outlook
With the HTMO 3.0.0 release, we changed the name of IBM mail support for Microsoft Outlook (IMSMO) to HCL Traveler for Microsoft Outlook (HTMO). HCL Traveler for Microsoft™ Outlook (HTMO) provides you with Mail, Calendar, and Contacts features so that you can work with your HCL Domino mail directly in your Microsoft™ Outlook interface.
Mail features
- Create, edit, send, receive, and move folders, messages, and conversations
- When you first set up the client, when mail is synced, type-ahead and recent contacts are pre-populated.
- Mail can accumulate until your mail file reaches the 50 GB size limit.
- Notify people when you are out of the office
- Encrypt and digitally sign messages when connected to a server
- Search, filter, and categorize mail
Note: Messages that are more than 30 days old at the time they are synced might be truncated,
depending on settings configured by your administrator. Double-click a truncated
message in a folder or mailbox to download the full content.
Calendar features
- Create, update, cancel, accept, counter, and decline meetings, events, and invitations
- Find and reserve available rooms
- View availability of invitees, rooms, and resources
- After accepting meeting invitations, see rich text content such as fonts and tables in the
calendar entries. (Meeting organizers must use another client such as Notes® to send invitations with rich text
content.)Note: Attachments and embedded images in calendar entries are not supported.
Contacts features
- Create, update, and delete contacts
Other features
- Give others access to parts of your mail file
- See how close your mail file is to the size limit