Using SQL Editor to view table records

About this task

This topic explains how to use SQL Editor for viewing table records and SQL execution plan.


  1. Select the required database & table from the Schema Manager page.
  2. On Info tab, InformixHQ will show properties for database & table based on user's selection.
  3. Click on SQL Editor tab, write the query in the text area and click on Run button.
  4. Clicking on Run button, will show results in the following two tabs:
    1. Result : Tab will show all the records available for the given query.
    2. Execution Plan : Tab will show SQL query execution plan in a tree format if plan is available for the given query.
  5. To view last 10 queries, click on Query History button.
  6. Clicking on Query History button, model will appear to select a query and run (last 10 queries).
  7. Select query from Query History model and click on Select button. Selected query will appear in SQL Editor in text area.
    1. InformixHQ saves last 10 executed queries for each database.
    2. Saved queries will clear from history once user logs out from InformixHQ.