System Compatibility

Before you install InformixHQ, make sure that your computer meets the system requirements.

InformixHQ Prerequisites

The following table lists the software prerequisites for InformixHQ.
Software Required Version
Informix Database Server 12.10 or higher
Java 1.8
Java (starting InformixHQ 2.4.1) 11 or 17
In Debian environment, InformixHQ requires "haveged" service to be up and running. To start the service, follow these steps:
  • sudo apt-get install haveged
  • update-rc.d haveged defaults
  • service haveged start

Java flavor

The following table lists the Java flavors and versions that InformixHQ has been tested with:
Java flavors Tested on version Tested on platform
IBM Java 1.8.0_331, 1.8.0_351(Windows) AIX, Linux, Windows
Oracle Java 1.8.0_202 Linux, Windows
Open JDK 1.8.0_352 Linux, Windows
Following table lists the Java flavors and versions that InformixHQ 2.4.1 and higher has been tested with:
Java flavors Tested on version Tested on platform
Oracle Java 17.0.9 Linux, Windows
Open JDK Linux, Windows

Secured connection

  1. With Informix server
    When connecting to Informix server having SSL connection in InformixHQ, following keystore formats are compatible:
    Keystore type Extensions
    Java KeyStore .keystore, .jks
    PKCS KeyStore .p12
    Note: GSKit version available with Informix server bundle is used for creating p12 keystore.
    The recommended keystore is p12 created using GSKit.
  2. Within InformixHQ

    Keystores supported for HTTPS connection:

    Case 1: Browser with InformixHQ Server.

    Case 2: InformixHQ Server and Agent.

    Keystore type Extensions
    Java KeyStore .jks

Supported Web Browsers

InformixHQ supports all the latest browsers. The following table lists the web browsers that InformixHQ has been tested with:
Web Browser Version
Google Chrome 126
Mozilla Firefox 128
Microsoft Edge 126