What's new in HCL Informix®

HCL Informix®14.10 has new, changed, and removed features.

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC10

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC1

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC11

InformixHQ 2.4.1 enhancements
  • Query History enhancements:

    Query History in InformixHQ, which now includes multi statement execution, will be saved in H2 Database and will be configurable. New history settings options are added to manage query history and to allow user to set duration for maintaining the query history within the permissible range.

  • SQL Editor toggles' enhancements:

    Certain SQL Editor toggles' configuration is stored in H2 Database and is automatically restored, relieving user from manually resetting it post a reconnection to the Informix Server.

For more information on InformixHQ 2.4.1 enhancements, see What's new in InformixHQ

Partial Index supported in Informix Server Workgroup Edition
Informix Server Workgroup Edition now supports FRAGMENT BY EXPRESSION partial index. Partial Index enables users to index only a subset of rows of a given table. By allowing to suppress indexing of certain values, indexes are kept small and efficient. For more information, see Partial Index in Fragment Expressions.
NIF(Network Interface Compression) SMX connection: Response time improvement

Response time for NIF(Network Interface Compression) SMX connection is reduced from infinite to 60 seconds. This makes the CDR system more resilient on a slow network.

Removal of support for HP Itanium

HP Itanium is no longer supported starting 14.10.xC11.

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC10W1

Support for Windows 2022
Informix server 14.10xC10W1 supports Windows 2022 and the subsequent releases of Informix server 14.10 will support Windows 2022.
IWA support for RHEL 8.5
The Informix Warehouse Accelerator (IWA) now supports Red Hat 8.5 .

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC10

CSDK 4.50.xC10 released on Linux Intel 32 bit
CSDK 4.50.xC10 is available on Linux Intel 32 bit. Built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 7.4 (Maipo), Certified on SUSE SLES 12.3 and 15, Ubuntu Server Edition 16.04 LTS and 17.10sdfsd, 4.50.xC10 is the first CSDK release on this platform. For more information, see CSDK Machine Notes.
CSDK behavior change in codeset conversion for CLVCHARPTRTYPE
Starting 14.10.xC10, codeset conversion will be done when client locale differs from DB locale when CLVCHARPTRTYPE is used. For more information, see The lvarchar pointer host variable.
Removal of LDAP lookup feature for server sqlhosts information for JDBC
The use of LDAP to retrieve Informix server connectivity information from a stored sqlhosts files inside of an LDAP server has been removed from the JDBC driver. Users of this feature should use an alternative method (Connection Manager or a file synchronization service as examples) to keep connectivity information synchronized across client machines. For more information, see Utilities to update the LDAP server with sqlhosts data.
Removing support for Communication Support Module. Use TLS/SSL instead.
  • Support for Informix encryption (Communication Support Module (CSM)) is removed starting Informix Server 14.10.xC9 and JDBC 4.50.JC9 .

    You should use Transport Layer Security (TLS)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) instead.

    Following configuration parameters used in Informix encryption, will not be supported starting Informix Server 14.10.xC9:
Documentation Update for blademgr and DBDK: Removed support for blademgr and DataBlade Developers kit (DBDK)

Support for blademgr and DataBlade Developers Kit (DBDK) is removed starting Informix Server 14.10.xC6. Standard blades will be autoregistered. You should use SYSBldPrepare() function to register user defined blades.

For more information, see Using a DataBlade module in your database.

InformixHQ enhancements & documentation update
  • The Schema Manager has been enhanced with SQL Editor to enable user to write custom SQL and display query tree plan in the graphical format. To view execution plan, SQL tracing should be enabled on Informix Server. If it is disabled, SQL editor provides an option for easiness to enable it. For more information, see SQL Editor.

  • InformixHQ H2 Database migration: InformixHQ 2.0.0 (Informix Server 14.10.xC8) has upgraded its H2 Database version due to certain security vulnerabilities present in the older versions of H2 Database. Between H2 Database version 1.4.192 and the latest version 2.1.210, there have been considerable changes and direct upgrade of H2 Database is not possible. For existing users, H2 Database (InformixHQ 1.6.3 or lower) is created with version 1.4.192, hence data needs to be migrated to 2.1.210 manually.

  • View Agents drop-down and Shutdown button: View Agents feature in InformixHQ helps users to see consolidated view of all the agents. It displays the list of all the Agents' information and their status at one place, depending on user privilege to specific instance/server added in InformixHQ. A user can now shutdown an Agent based on user privileges using the new Shutdown button added to Informix HQ UI .

    For more information, see InformixHQ View Agents and Shutdown.

  • Server Shutdown : Using the new Shutdown button is an easy way to shut down the InformixHQ server directly from the InformixHQ UI instead of command prompt.

    For more information, see InformixHQ Server Shutdown.

  • Schema manager has been enhanced with 'Create and Drop table' capability.

    For more information, see Schema Manager.

  • Provision is made for user to specify connection properties for InformixHQ agent separately.

    For more information, see InformixHQ Agent Setup.

  • Documentation updates:

    For more information, see System Compatibility, Getting Started

  • InformixHQ has been enhanced with HDR Secondary Operations through which InformixHQ allows or restricts certain actions on specific server types. HDR cluster consists of Primary and Secondaries. InformixHQ treats every server added as an individual server. Depending upon server type in cluster, Informix Server allows or restricts certain actions on specific server types. From 14.10.xC7 release, InformixHQ has handled all such operations on secondary servers in the cluster. For more information, see HDR Secondary Operations.

  • Documentation updates for logging in InformixHQ.

    For more information, see Logging in InformixHQ.

  • Documentation updates for starting the InformixHQ server with server.log4j.xml.

    For more information, see Starting the InformixHQ Server.

  • Documentation updates to include InformixHQ setup in secure mode (SSL).

    For more information, see InformixHQ in secure mode.

  • Documentation updates to include Custom Reports sub-menu provided under InformixHQ UI. InformixHQ provides many built-in reports to monitor Informix server effectively. To provide further flexibility, there is an option of creating customized reports to meet specific needs of users.

    For more information, see Custom Reports.

  • Documentation updates to include Sensors sub-menu provided under InformixHQ UI. Sensors are provided in InformixHQ to collect the data for metric which users want to monitor over a period. Once Sensor is configured, and InformixHQ agent is configured and Online, Sensor data will be collected at specified interval and stored in Repository database in Informix Server.

    For more information, see Sensors.

Informix Server security documentation update
  • Documentation on Informix Server security now contains some generic insights into keystores and how they are used for secure communications with the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol.

    For more information, see Background Knowledge on Keystores.

Important change to rolling upgrade procedure

When performing a rolling upgrade from a server version earlier than 14.10.xC8, or from a Client SDK version earlier than 4.50.xC8, you must upgrade and restart your Connection Managers before upgrading any of the servers in your cluster. For more information, see Rolling upgrade of an online cluster to the next fix pack or PID (UNIX, Linux).

New ON-Bar configuration parameter ARCHIVE_UNLOGGED_OBJECTS

By default, a backup on an RS secondary server is blocked if non-logging objects (i.e. RAW tables) exist in the primary database server. This new configuration parameter, when set to 1 or 2, allows backup to complete even if non-logging objects exist in the primary database server.

For more information, see , ARCHIVE_UNLOGGED_OBJECTS configuration parameter


The AUTO_READAHEAD configuration parameter and session environment variable may now include an optional ‘threshold’ value. As a scanning thread processes the current batch of pages that were read ahead of the scan by the daemon, the threshold value affects the timing of the next batch request. Lowering the threshold from its default value of 50% will delay the next read-ahead request, while increasing it above 50% will result in an earlier request. Ideally the next batch should be read just before the current batch of cached pages is consumed, and although a threshold of 50 should be close to optimal for most environments, this new option may allow for better tuning in certain cases.

For more information, see AUTO_READAHEAD configuration parameter, AUTO_READAHEAD session environment option

TLS (Transport Layer Security) versions 1.0, 1.1 disabled.
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a network protocol used to ensure secure and private communications over the internet. TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 disabled i. e. Informix Server no more supports TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 for network connections starting Informix Server 14.10.xC8. Currently supported TLS versions are 1.2 and 1.3.

    For more information, see TLS_VERSION configuration parameter.

Wire listener configuration parameter 'command.blacklist' deprecated

This optional parameter in wire listener configuration file is deprecated in 14.10.xC8 and will not be supported in future versions. This is replaced with command.denylist from 14.10.xC8 version onwards.

For more information, see The wire listener configuration file.

Removal of Informix Server 14.10 support for HP-UX in future releases

HP-UX support will be removed from 14.10 in a later fixpack given the end of support announcement of December 2025 for HP-UX.

Removing support for ENCCSM, GSSCSM in future releases
  • End of life/Removal of ENCCSM from JDBC and server in future releases. Support for Encryption Communication Support Module will be removed in the future releases of Informix Dynamic Server.
  • End of life/Removal of GSSCSM from JDBC and server in future releases. Support for Generic Security Services Communication Support Module will be removed in the future releases of Informix Dynamic Server.
Removal of IBM JRE in future releases

Future releases of Informix will replace the ${INFORMIXDIR}/extend/krakatoa/jre with JAVA_HOME used at the time of installation. Customers will need to pre-install the Java JRE that will be used with Informix products.

New oncheck -w [#seconds] option to wait for locks

New oncheck -w [#seconds] option introduced to wait for locks. If oncheck encounters a lock while performing its work, it will first indicate to the user that it is waiting, then pause until either the given timeout expires or the lock is acquired. For more information, see Wait for locks with -w , Locking and oncheck.

Reverse Scan metrics added to onstat -g tpf

More information about indexes. A new onstat -I command displays statistics about index operations including reverse scans and retries. For more information, see onstat -I command: Print general statistics about index operations.

onstat -g rah enhanced to provide more read-ahead information
Chunk mirroring enabled permanently, configuration parameter MIRROR deprecated

The chunk mirroring feature, which used to be governed by the MIRROR configuration parameter, has been enabled permanently. As a result, the MIRROR configuration parameter has been deprecated and no server bounce is required to turn on mirroring. If the root dbspace in your instance is not mirrored, you should either remove MIRRORPATH from the config file or ensure that it is unset.

The deployment assistant (DA) not supported

The deployment assistant ifxdeployassist (DA) is not supported and it is no longer included with the product.

TLS 1.3 support added.

Informix server now supports TLS version 1.3 for network connections. TLS version 1.2 is enabled by default.

For more information, see TLS_VERSION configuration parameter.

Auditing enhancement, support for Audit to Syslog (ASL) facility

The audit subsystem of Informix server on Unix-based systems has been enhanced to support Audit to Syslog that is it now allows audit records to be sent to the syslog daemon, which can be configured to handle the audit messages in many different ways.

For more information, see Secure-auditing facility, The ADTCFG file, The onaudit utility: Configure auditing, The onshowaudit utility.

Distributed transactions and PAM authentication enhancement

Informix now provides an additional method to support distributed connection PAM authentication. On Linux/Unix platforms through OS rhosts PAM module, user can define PAM configuration file.

For more information, see Distributed transactions and authentication modules.

New High-availability cluster configuration parameter SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT

New configuration parameter SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT is introduced to enable non-blocking checkpoint at HDR and RS secondary server.

For more information, see SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter.

TEMPTAB_NOLOG enhancement

TEMPTAB_NOLOG can now have value 2(earlier supported values were 0 and 1). When set to 2, it enables logical logging on temporary table operations for primary server and disables logical logging on temporary table operations for secondary servers(HDR, RSS and SDS). On primary/standard server, same behavior as 0, on secondary servers, same behavior as 1. When server type changes, logging for temporary tables will be enabled/disabled depending on the current server role.

For more information, see TEMPTAB_NOLOG configuration parameter

New replication utility cdr check catalog

New replication utility cdr check catalog added to verify metadata information across the servers. The cdr check catalog command compares the metadata information related to servers, replicates and replicate sets on replication servers for any inconsistency.

For more information, see cdr check catalog

Enterprise replication performance enhancements

Improvements are made to end to end ER performance to improve replication throughput and reduce latency. Most of the changes are internal to the server related to reducing internal latch contention and improve apply parallelism. External visible changes include, Enterprise replication now uses SMX transport mechanism for data replication to peer ER server which allows usage of multiple network pipes(configured using SMX_NUMPIPES) to send data to peer server. Also as part of send queue optimization, smaller transactions with size less than 26KB are now spooled to in-row transaction header table in syscdr database(configured using CDR_DBSPACE) instead of to smartblob space configured using CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE.

For SMX related information, see Configure SMX connections

For CDR_DBSPACE configuration, see CDR_DBSPACE Configuration Parameter

ER Update: Change in the cdc_set_fullrowlogging() function

Without "cdc_endcapture()" the disabling of FULL ROW LOGGING will fail with error 19816. For more information, see The cdc_set_fullrowlogging() function.

onstat -g laq enhancement

User can now use onstat -g laq command to print information about log recovery apply queues which includes logical log recovery on secondary servers as well as logical restore or logical recovery part of fast recovery. Log records from logical logs are assigned to replay worker threads according to the tablespace ID (partnum) associated with them; a subset of log records will be applied by the replay master thread.

For more information, see onstat -g laq command: Print log apply queues

Limitations on admin() commands on read only secondary

When connected to a secondary node, the admin() function is disabled and will always return a value of -1. In addition, the task() function will return an error for commands that involve modifying disk structures, since these administrative actions are meant to be executed only on primary or standalone nodes.

For more information, see SQL Administration API Overview, admin() and task() Function Return Codes

Backup and restore a Remote Secondary Server(RSS)

It is now possible to take archives and log backups on a Remote Secondary Server (RSS) node using onbar or ontape. An archive taken locally on this node may be used to recreate the RSS node and may also be used to restore a primary node in the event that no preferable archive exists.

For more information, see Backup and restore a Remote Secondary Server(RSS)

DBSPACETEMP enhancement

DBSPACETEMP configuration parameter now allows spaces with mixed page sizes.

For more information, see DBSPACETEMP configuration parameter

New SMI table syssessiontempspaceusage

The new syssessiontempspaceusage SMI table contains information about each session's temp space usage. This includes both implicit and explicit temp tables.

For more information, see syssessiontempspaceusage


Enhanced DBINFO function to return Null when partnum is invalid by adding a new session environment variable DBINFO_DBSPACE_RETURN_NULL_FOR_INVALID_PARTNUM.

For more information, see DBINFO_DBSPACE_RETURN_NULL_FOR_INVALID_PARTNUM environment variable

New session environment option QUERY_TIMEOUT

Use the QUERY_TIMEOUT environment option of the SET ENVIRONMENT statement to limit the amount of clock time a query may take before being interrupted internally.

For more information, see QUERY_TIMEOUT

repl2spl includes userid and session id

For the ASYNC trigger to replicate to the SPL either using --splname or --jsonsplname while defining a replicate, the server will also send the user id and session id along with the other data as it used to send before

For more information, see Replication to SPL routine, Push data feature

Time series enhancements

TimeSeries: CountIf() functionality is extended with three new functions, GetMatchingIf, GetElementsIf and GetNULLElementsIf.

For more information, see Time series SQL routines

Documentation updates: Wire listener

Updates done to remove some out of date information from wire listener.

For more information, see Configure the wire listener for the first time, Wire listener logging, Configuring MongoDB authentication, Preparing shard servers, Troubleshooting JSON compatibility

Removing support in future releases
  • End of life/Removal of Deployment Assist in future releases. Support for Deployment Assistant will be removed in the future releases of Informix Dynamic Server.
  • End of life/Removal of SPWDCSM from JDBC and server in future releases. The simple password communication support module will be removed in the future releases of Informix Dynamic Server.
CSDK Install enhancement

CSDK Install now lists ".NET Core Provider" as a component installed.

For more information, see components


This new DSN option UPDATE_DESCRIBE or UPDDESC and Connection Property SQL_INFX_ATTR_UPDATE_DESCRIBE is required particularly for BLOB/CLOB data types, because these data types need special handling in the ODBC Driver for setting up BLOB/CLOB context in the driver and require details of these data types description from the server. By enabling this option Server will send the description of these data types which will be used by ODBC Driver.

For more information, see Configuring a new user DSN or system DSN, Data-source specification

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC5

Shard Join enhancements
  • Enhanced to support fallback on local joins when multiple sharded-tables have incompatible shard expressions.
  • Support IN clause in Shard definition.
  • SHMTOTAL and EXTSHMADD are dynamically tunable.
  • RENAME TABLE statement will now accept IF EXISTS clause.

For more information, see Sharded Query.

InformixHQ enhancements
  • Informix HQ UI framework is upgraded to Angular 8.
  • Enhanced to support stronger hash algorithm for passwords by adding a new config property user.password.algorithm.
  • Allows you to save dashboard preferences in Custom Dashboard Page.
  • Script to start or stop the server has been enhanced to support AIX platform.

For more information, see InformixHQ Server Configuration, Custom Dashboards and Getting Started.

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC4

Informix .NET Core

  • Starting with CSDK 4.50.xC4, Informix .NET Core Provider compatible with .NET Core SDK/Runtime v3.1 is shipped for Windows x64 and Linux x86_64 platforms.

    For more information, see Informix .NET Core Provider.

Wire Listener enhancements

  • Support for Mongo API versions 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 4.0, and 4.2. Set mongo.api.version to enable compatibility with newer Mongo API versions.
  • Support for Informix authentication in the REST and MQTT listeners. Authenticate through REST with your Informix database users and passwords. For more information, see User authentication with the wire listener.

Spatio-temporal enhancement

Informix Spatial data types now conform to the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL Revision 1.1 and the ISO/IEC 13249-3 SQL/MM Part 3: Spatial. The Informix Spatial solution is based on the ESRI SDE 10.8 Shape and Projection Engine (PE) libraries.

For more information, see Spatiotemporal Search for Moving Objects User's Guide.

ODBC enhancement

  • ODBC Connection Pooling enhancement
    • Informix ODBC driver supports new Connection Pool Manager properties:
      • MinPoolSize: open as many number of connections during first request of connection.
      • MaxConnLimit: restrict number of connections to the value set by this parameter.
      For more information, see Tuning the Connection Pool Manager
  • CLIENT_LABEL support in ODBC and Setnet32

    You can use this variable to distinguish one database session from the other.

    For more information, see Application tracking in ODBC.

Replication enhancements

  • Support to display flow control delay statistics for RSS and SDS.

    For more information, see Administrator's Reference Guide.

  • Support for skipping building of RI constraints during schema and data load phase and building RI constraints at the end of migration with its own phase.

    For more information, see Administrator's Reference Guide.

  • Added new add_replcheck phase for  ‘cdr migrate server’.

    For more information, see Administrator's Reference Guide.

  • Smart trigger session survival enhancement to reset log position and recapture changes after failover or after bouncing the server.

    For more information, see Administrator's Reference Guide.

Onstat Command enhancement

  • Added new monitoring utility onstat -g top command to display information about top consumers of various resources.

    For more information, see Administrator's Reference Guide.

InfromixHQ enhancements

  • The Schema Manager page has been enhanced to:
    • Browse and view detailed information about database information like Stored Procedures, Sequences, User Defined Types, Data Blades
    • Browse and view detailed information about table information like Indexes, References, Constraints, Triggers
    • Create Database and Drop Database
    • Create Demo Database and Drop Demo Database
    • Create, Enable, Disable and Drop Index with advanced options

    For more information, see Schema Manager.

  • The Connection Manager page allows you to visualize and manage CM unit, SLA and FOC for any CM.

    For more information, see Connection Manager.

Solaris Certification

  • Certified on Solaris 11.4

MSG_Date Parameter enhancement

  • MSG_DATE configuration parameter is enhanced to support insertion of a date in different formats at the beginning of each message printed to the online log.

J/Foundation enhancement

  • The new getExplain utility allows you to run query plans and retrieve them as LVARCHAR, eliminating the need for access to the server box.

    For more information, see Guide to SQL: Syntax.

Conversion Support for HDR and RSS Secondary Server

Migration utility is enhanced to support secondary server conversion from 11.70, 12.10 to 14.10 version.

For more information, see Migrating an offline cluster to a new major version and High-availability cluster migration.

Client SDK 4.50.xC4W1 enhancement

Stand-alone installations of Client SDK 4.50.xC4W1 (and newer) is enhanced to use OpenSSL instead of GSKit as an encryption library. If your database clients uses SSL/TLS connections, their keystores need to be migrated.

For more information, see Configuring a client for SSL connections and Using SSL/TLS database connections.

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC3

GSKit Upgrade

  • Upgraded to version

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Upgrade

  • Upgraded to version for Solaris and HP.
  • Upgraded to version for other platforms.

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC2

InfromixHQ enhancements
  • The Task Scheduler pages allows you to manage and customize tasks for your database server.
  • The High Availability page makes it easy to visualize and monitor the functioning of your high availability cluster.
  • The Enterprise Replication page visualizes and provides details drill-down statistics about each Informix node participating in replication.
  • The Memory Manager page allow you to visualize and monitor your database server's memory usage as well as configure its Low Memory Manager configuration.
  • The Auto Update Statistics pages allows you to manage your automatic update statistics policies, ensuring your queries continue to run efficiently as your data changes over time.
  • Customization enhancements like custom dashboards, custom SQL sensors, alerting incident.

For more information, see What's new in InformixHQ.

New configuration parameter: Boosted Partition Free Space Caches (PFSC)

Bitmap pages track free space in a partition and are used during inserts to quickly find pages with room for the new rows. Boosted Partition Free Space Caches can make inserts even faster, especially when MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES is enabled and the table contains compressed or variable-length rows.

For more information, see PFSC_BOOST configuration parameter.

Sharded Query enhancements
  • Eliminate the need to setup Enterprise Replication across all edge servers.
  • Support survival from node failures.
  • Support joins with multiple sharded tables.

For more information, see Sharded Query.

New Java API for CDC data streaming

The Informix Change Streams client API allows you to easily stream changes made from a logged database in Informix into your Java application.

For more information, see Informix Change Streams API for Java.

Support for using direct strings in SQLs for clob columns

CLOB types supports direct strings in place of FILETOCLOB function.

For more information, see Guide to SQL:Tutorial.

Implementation of UUID keyword/function

The extended character utility support functions run as Java UDR's to provide common functions.

For more information, see Built-in routines.

Partial Index

Partial Index is an index which has some condition applied to it so that it includes a subset of rows in the table.

For more information, see Partial Index in Fragment Expressions.

cdr list replicate command enhancement

cdr list replicate command supports replicate id as input both in decimal and hex format.

For more information, see cdr utility.

cdr migrate server command enhancement

cdr migrate server command supports data migration of larger databases with parallel data load using raw tables and parallel index builds.

For more information, see cdr utility.

Statement Cache enhancements

CSDK Connection Pooling

The applications directly using the Informix ODBC driver can optimize the connection resource in highly OLTP nature of applications where number of connections opened and closed are in large numbers.

For more information, see ODBC Connection Pooling.

What's new in HCL Informix® version 14.10.xC1

J-foundation upgrade
  • J/Foundation now supports additional mechanisms for easier deployment of Java UDR’s into the Informix server.

    For more information, see Enhanced Class Deployment.

  • JDBC driver used with J/Foundation has been updated to 4.50.JC1.

    The enhancements and performance improvements added in JDBC make J/Foundation faster and more feature rich. In particular, Large Object access is quicker and general SQL connection performance between the Java UDR and the database system is more efficient. The server caches the JDBC connection structures more efficiently and is more memory efficient than prior versions.

    For more information, see What’s new in JDBC 4.50.

  • J/Foundation has a new logging framework.

    It is more customizable than before and is twice as fast as the old logging system.

    For more information, see Generating Log Messages.

Log replay performance improvements
  • Sending and applying transactions to secondary (RSS, SDS, HDR) instances has been optimized for performance under the most trying conditions. Performance tests show a significant increase in throughput when compared to Informix v.12.10, benefiting all customers large or small. Similar improvement is observed in crash recovery performance.
  • Added new config parameters for performance tuning and updated ‘onstat –g laq’ output to show replication latency, and log replay rate.

For more information, see Administrator's Reference Guide.

New Enterprise Replication command to automate setting up replication between Informix servers

  • New ‘cdr migrate server’ command automates setting up of Enterprise Replication between two Informix server instances. This command automates tasks such as:
    1. Define Enterprise Replication domain between the two servers.
    2. Add ERKEY columns for the tables that does not have primary key or unique index columns. Note that adding ERKEY is a slow alter may require downtime to applications.
    3. Create required storage spaces for the databases.
    4. Apply database schema from source server to target server.
    5. Create replicate definitions.
    6. Synchronize data between source and target server instances.

For more information, see Enterprise Replication Guide.


Informix HQ is a new web-based tool which replaces Informix Open Admin Tool (OAT) and provides many requested features:

  • Modernized web console for monitoring, alerting, and administering Informix database servers.
  • Provides critical performance management capabilities, monitoring how key performance metrics are changing over time and tracking how efficiently Informix is running your workload even when you’ve stepped away from your screen.
  • Customizable alerting system so you can be immediately alerted through modern IT infrastructures like Pager Duty, Twilio, and email.
  • Purpose built for scaling out and optimizing DevOps needs.
  • Accessible from any desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

For more information, see InformixHQ Guide.

Integrated Encryption

The Informix Backup and Restore utilities (On-Bar, ontape, archecker, onlog) now have the capability to internally encrypt and decrypt dbspace, blobspace, smart blobspace and logical log backup data, using Remote Key Store servers that provide access to state of the art resources (entropy sources, key generators, centralized key management and rotation, etc. ) which are difficult to simulate in a stand-alone machine.

The same utilities also offer a simple way to encrypt and decrypt data using a locally provided static encryption key.

For more information, see Backup and Restore Guide.

Remote Key Store for EAR

The encryption-at-rest (EAR) feature now supports the storage of encryption keys in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.

For more information, see The onkstore Utility.

TSTAMP data type for TimeSeries

A new TSTAMP distinct type can be used when defining fields or parameters in TimeSeries.

For more information, see TimeSeries Data User's Guide .

Spatio-temporal enhancements

  • Support for projection systems other than World Geodetic System (WGS) 84.
  • Support for new ESRI Shape and Projection Engine (PE) libraries.
  • Added a “count” operation to return the number of times a moving object has passed a given location.

For more information, see Spatiotemporal Search for Moving Objects User's Guide.

REGEX: rtrim flag and overloaded functions

The new flag, rtrim will trim trailing white space on the input string. It is applied by adding the trim option to the copts or copts_string parameter when invoking the various regex_<xxx>() functions.

For more information, see Database Extensions User's Guide.

Backup to S3 cloud servers using V4 authentication

The onpsm utility has been updated to support V4 authentication for the S3 protocol. We achieve this by allowing the utility to create devices with a new parameter ("–region") which will automatically enable V4 authentication in that device.

For more information, see Backup and Restore Guide.

Common Table Expression

A Common Table Expression (CTE) is a named temporary result set derived from a simple query and defined within the execution scope of a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. The CTE can be referred to later within that same statement, possibly multiple times. CTEs can be used recursively to simplify complex queries.

For more information, see WITH statement (Common Table Expressions).

WITH statement (Common Table Expressions)

Atomic replacement of stored procedure

New SQL functionality provides “atomic” replacement of stored procedures (only). CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE works differently than CREATE PROCEDURE IF NOT EXISTS, as CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDUREwill replacean existing function with the newer version of the procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE preserves existing schema dependencies.

For more information, see OR REPLACE Clause.

Replication to SPL routine

Replication to SPL enables to apply data to a stored procedure instead of to a target table. SPL routine can be written using Informix stored procedure language, C or JAVA UDR.

The feature include:
  • Realtime streaming analytics on OLTP data. Examples include:Asynchronously calculate per store sales report and Realtime leaderboard calculation for an online game.
  • Data transformations. Example: While replicating data from retail stores to central home office, dynamically include data for store id column at home office server.
  • Asynchronously update external systems like message queues, graph databases, and Hadoop file systems.
  • Replicate data for tables that do not have primary key, ER key or unique index.

Asynchronous post commit triggers can be created using combination of “replication to SPL” and “loopback replication” functionality.

For more information, see Enterprise Replication Guide.

ODBC Smart Trigger

A smart trigger is a set of commands issued to the database, that sets up a push notification when certain changes happen to data in a table. These changes are detected by a SQL query, that is run after INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands are executed. ODBC's APIs can be used to get the real time Push Data notification from Informix server in ODBC applications. It is available across all ODBC supported platforms.

For more information, see Informix ODBC Driver Guide.

Informix ODBC Driver Guide