The ADTCFG file

Configuration parameters in the ADTCFG file specify the properties of the audit configuration. The classic configuration parameters are ADTERR, ADTMODE, ADTPATH, ADTROWS, and ADTSIZE of which ADTMODE is now deprecated.

For ASL (Audit to Syslog), there are additional configuration parameters which are added to the audit configuration file based on the options used with onaudit utility. These are ADT_CLASSIC_ENABLED, ADT_DBSSO, ADT_DBSA, ADT_SYSLOG_ENABLED, ADT_SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER, ADT_SYSLOG_OPTIONS, ADT_SYSLOG_FACILITY, and ADT_SYSLOG_PRIORITY.

For more information, see the ADTCFG file.

The path name for the default ADTCFG file follows.

$INFORMIXDIR/aaodir/adtcfg.servernum if it exists, or
$INFORMIXDIR/aaodir/adtcfg if it does not.
%INFORMIXDIR%\aaodir\adtcfg.servernum if it exists, or
%INFORMIXDIR%\aaodir\adtcfg if it does not.

When you turn on auditing, you can set the ADTMODE parameter to 0, 1, 3, 5, or 7 in the ADTCFG file to specify the type and level of auditing. However, the ADTMODE parameter is now deprecated; you should use ADT_CLASSIC_ENABLED, ADT_DBSA, and ADT_DBSSO instead.

For example, if you set the ADTMODE configuration parameter to 1 in your ADTCFG file, auditing is turned on automatically during database server initialization. After you turn on auditing, the database server records only the audit events defined in the audit masks.

The AAO configures auditing and specifies an error mode, in case an error occurs when an audit record is stored.

If you edit the ADTCFG file to change the audit parameters, the audit configuration is not changed until you reinitialize shared memory. If you use the onaudit utility to change the audit configuration, the changes occur immediately.

Changes made with onaudit are written to an adtcfg.servernum companion file (SERVERNUM is a parameter in the ONCONFIG file, which the Informix® Administrator's Reference describes). The configuration changes take effect in the server immediately. Henceforth, server instance uses the adtcfg.servernum file for the audit configuration parameters instead of the file adtcfg.

For details, see The onaudit utility: Configure auditing and see The ADTCFG file. For more information about auditing administration, see Administrative roles and role separation.