Resetting password and setting download count for a user

You can assign a new password to an existing user and designate the number of ID download counts allowed for them.

About this task

When resetting a user's password, the administration server needs to be added to the Password Resetters list using the Vault management wizard in the admin client, so the request can be processed by adminP.


  1. From the Users and Groups page, in the Modify Tools column, click Password reset/set id download count.
  2. In the Password Reset form, click Select User to select the user.
    Reset Password
  3. Enter the value in the ID download count field and select Generate random password along with the list of users to whom the new password will be mailed.
    Note: If the user's Security Settings policy has Allow unlimited downloads set to Yes, the administrator won't be able to set the ID Download count.
  4. Click Submit.