How do AdminCentral requests work?

AdminCentral (admincentral.nsf), created from the admincentral.ntf template, is used by AdminCentral threads in the AdminP task for processing user registration, user recertification, and group creation requests.

There is one request processing thread for the AdminCentral app. AdminCentral inherits the ACL from admin4.nsf. All requests in AdminCentral are purged 30 days after creation.

There are three kinds of administrative requests in admincentral.nsf:
  • User Registration
  • User Recertification
  • Group Creation
The intent of the AdminCentral homepage is to show important administrator tasks that need attention, for example the Notes user certificate expiration status and the day's user registration status (from midnight on).

Notes user certificates needing action are saved in the AdminCentral app on a nightly basis by an AdminCentral maintenance thread running in the Domino AdminP task. This thread pulls the certificate expiration data of Person documents from the CertificateExpiration view of Domino Directory and creates Draft requests for those expired and expiring within a 14-day window in the AdminCentral app. From the homepage, the administrator can click the expired certificates and those expiring in 1-day, 7-day, and 14-day windows to quickly view the Draft requests for Notes user recertification. Recertify requests in Draft mode must be submitted to change the Pending state.

All user registration, manual recertification, and group creation requests done using the AdminCentral app are processed by the AdminCentral request processing thread, which maintains the status of these administrator requests (as processing is done by the thread itself or by the rest of AdminP processing). For a quick overview, the AdminCentral homepage groups the user registration requests by whether their state is completed, pending, or error.