Show Schedule
Shows the next time that a server task will run.
Output includes the type of task and the time it next runs. If you enter a location as an argument, the workstation replication schedule for that destination appears.
Show Schedule servername/taskname/destination
Show Schedule -argument
-- Shows
which agents are scheduled to run next
Shows the Domino® Domain Monitoring
(DDM) probes that are scheduled to run
Shows the next scheduled replication time and the replication type
Shows the next scheduled mail routing time
Show which programs are scheduled to run
Show Schedule
Displays a list of all scheduled tasks
Show Schedule
-- Shows when the Fixup task is scheduled to run next
Schedule -Mailrouting
> sh sched -mail
Scheduled Type Next schedule
CN=Masterlock/OU=Server/O=Web Mail Routing
CN=MServer0/OU=Server/O=Webadmi Mail Routing
xTest1 Mail Routing 08/02/2009 02:00:00 PM