Set Secure
Password-protects the Domino® server console.
After you password-protect the console, you cannot use the Load, Tell, Exit, Quit or Set Configuration server commands or other programs that are not run automatically through Program documents in the Domino® Directory or through the NOTES.INI file. Console security remains in effect until you clear the password by entering a second Set Secure command with the same password.
Even if the console is password-protected, keep the server physically secure to prevent breaches of security at the operating system level.
Set Secure currentpassword
Set Secure abracadabra
Password-protects the console if no password is currently in effect.
In this case, the new password is "abracadabra."
Secure abracadabra sesame
-- Changes the existing password abracadabra to sesame.
Secure abracadabra
-- If the console is already protected
by a password -- in this case abracadabra -- entering
a second Set Secure command with the same password
clears the password.