getModifiedDocuments (NotesDatabase - JavaScript™)
Gets the documents in a database that are modified since a specified time.
Defined in
getModifiedDocuments() : NotesDocumentCollection
getModifiedDocuments(since:NotesDateTime) : NotesDocumentCollection
getModifiedDocuments(since:NotesDateTime, noteClass:int) : NotesDocumentCollection
Parameter | Description |
since |
The start time for collecting the modified documents. Defaults to the creation time of the database effectively returning all documents. |
noteClass |
The type or types of document collected. You
can combine types by adding them. Defaults to NotesDatabase.DBMOD_DOC_DATA which
collects only data documents.
Return value | Description |
DocumentCollection |
A collection containing the modified documents. |
The end time for the collection is the current database time, which is posted to the UntilTime property of the returned NotesDocumentCollection object. This time should be specified as the "since" time in a subsequent call to getModifiedDocuments where you want to get all modified documents since the most recent call. Do not rely on the system time, which may differ from the database time.An exception occurs if the noteClass
is invalid.
This button gets all modified data documents in the current database since the last time the agent ran. A profile document saves the database end time for each operation.try {
// Check UntilTime in profile document
var profile:NotesDocument = database.getProfileDocument("Profile", null);
var untilTime:NotesDateTime = null;
var dc:NotesDocumentCollection = null;
if (profile.hasItem("UntilTime")) {
// Start processing from UntilTime
var untilTimeVector = profile.getItemValueDateTimeArray("UntilTime");
untilTime = untilTimeVector.firstElement();
dc = database.getModifiedDocuments(untilTime, NotesDatabase.DBMOD_DOC_DATA);
} else {
// First time through get all documents
dc = database.getModifiedDocuments(null, NotesDatabase.DBMOD_DOC_DATA);
if (dc.getCount() > 0) {
// Display LastModified and Subject from each document
var doc:NotesDocument = dc.getFirstDocument();
while(doc != null) {
requestScope.status += doc.getLastModified().getLocalTime()
+ " " + doc.getItemValueString("Subject") + "\n";
var tmpdoc = dc.getNextDocument();
doc = tmpdoc;
else {
// If nothing modified since last time
if (profile.hasItem("UntilTime")) {
requestScope.status = "No documents modified since " + untilTime.getLocalTime();
} else {
requestScope.status = "No documents modified since beginning"
// Write UntilTime back to profile document
profile.replaceItemValue("UntilTime", dc.getUntilTime());, true, true);
} catch (e) {
requestScope.status = e.toString();