createDocument (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)

Creates a document in a database and returns a NotesDocument object that represents the new document.

Defined in



createDocument() : NotesDocument
Return value Description
NotesDocument The new document.


You must call save if you want the new document to be saved.


This button creates a new document in the current database and appends an item named Subject with the value of a requestScope variable. The requestScope variable is bound to an edit box that the user fills in before clicking the button.
var doc = database.createDocument();
doc.appendItemValue("Subject", requestScope.subject);
This button creates a document in the current database and assigns values.
var doc:NotesDocument = database.createDocument();
doc.appendItemValue("Form", "main");
doc.appendItemValue("subject", "Test Document");
doc.appendItemValue("categories", "Test Documents");
var rti:NotesRichTextItem = doc.createRichTextItem("Body");
rti.appendText("This  is the first sentence of text.");
rti.appendText(" This is the second sentence of text.");
if ( {
	requestScope.status = "Document has been saved"
} else {
	requestScope.status = "Unable to save document"