- ACL (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The access control list for a database.
- ACLActivityLog (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The log from the access control list for a database.
- Agents (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. All of the agents in a database.
- AllDocuments (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. An unsorted collection containing all the documents in a database.
- Categories (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-Write. The categories under which a database appears in the Database Library.
- Created (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The date/time a database was created.
- CurrentAccessLevel (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The current user's access level to a database.
- DesignTemplateName (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The name of the design template from which a database inherits its design. If the database does not inherit its design from a design template, returns an empty string.
- FileFormat (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The ODS (on-disk structure) version of a database.
- FileName (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The file name of a database, excluding the path.
- FilePath (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The path and file name of a database.
- FolderReferencesEnabled (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether this database maintains folder references for documents.
- Forms (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. All the forms in a database.
- FTIndexFrequency (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Update frequency of a database's full-text index.
- HttpURL (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The Domino® URL of a database when HTTP protocols are in effect.
- IsAllowOpenSoftDeleted (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether documents that are soft deleted can be opened.
- IsClusterReplication (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether cluster replication is in effect for a database on a server in a cluster.
- IsConfigurationDirectory (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether a database is a Configuration Directory database.
- IsCurrentAccessPublicReader (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether the current user has public reader access in a database.
- IsCurrentAccessPublicWriter (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether the current user has public writer access in a database.
- IsDB2 (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether the current database is backed by DB2®.
- IsDelayUpdates (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether updates to a server are delayed (batched) for better performance.
- IsDesignLockingEnabled (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether design locking is enabled for a database.
- IsDirectoryCatalog (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether a database is a Directory Catalog database, also known as the Light Weight NAB, or the Enterprise Address Book.
- IsDocumentLockingEnabled (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether document locking is enabled for a database.
- IsFTIndexed (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether or not a database has a full-text index.
- IsInMultiDbIndexing (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether a database can be included in multi-database indexing.
- IsInService (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether a database on a server in a cluster is accessible.
- IsLink (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether a database is the target of a link.
- IsMultiDbSearch (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether a database is of type "Multi DB Search."
- IsOpen (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether a database is open.
- IsPendingDelete (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates whether a database on a server in a cluster is marked for deletion.
- IsPrivateAddressBook (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates if a database is a Personal Address Book.
- IsPublicAddressBook (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Indicates if a database is a Domino® Directory.
- LastFixup (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The date that a database was last checked by the Fixup task.
- LastFTIndexed (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The date that a database's full-text index was last updated.
- LastModified (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The date/time that a database was last modified.
- LimitRevisions (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. The maximum number of entries allowed in the $Revisions
- LimitUpdatedBy (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. The maximum number of entries allowed in the $UpdatedBy field.
- ListInDbCatalog (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. Indicates whether a database appears in database catalogs.
- Managers (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. People, servers, and groups that have Manager access to a database.
- MaxSize (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The maximum size of a database in bytes.
- NotesURL (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The Domino® URL of a database when Notes® protocols are in effect.
- Parent (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The Notes® session that contains a database.
- PercentUsed (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The percent of a database's total size that is occupied by real data (and not empty space).
- ReplicaID (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. A 16-digit hexadecimal number that represents the replica ID of a Notes® database. Databases with the same replica ID are replicas of one another.
- ReplicationInfo (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The replication object associated with this database.
- Server (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The name of the server where a database resides.
- Size (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The size of a database in bytes.
- SizeQuota (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-Write. The size quota of a database in kilobytes.
- SizeWarning (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. The size warning threshold of a database, in kilobytes.
- TemplateName (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The template name of a database, if the database is a template. If the database is not a template, returns an empty string.
- Title (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-Write. The title of a database.
- Type (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. Database type.
- UndeleteExpireTime (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-write. The number of hours before soft deletions become hard deletions.
- Views (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Read-only. The views and folders in a database.
- compact (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Compacts a local database.
- compactWithOptions (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Compacts a local database allowing the submission of options.
- createCopy (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates an empty copy of the current database.
- createDocument (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a document in a database and returns a NotesDocument object that represents the new document.
- createDocumentCollection (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a document collection in a database and returns a NotesDocumentCollection
object that represents the new collection.
- createFromTemplate (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a new database from an existing database.
- createFTIndex (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a full-text index for a database.
- createNoteCollection (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a note collection based on the current database and returns a NotesNoteCollection
object that represents the note collection.
- createOutline (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates an outline in the current database.
- createQueryView (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a query view.
- createReplica (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a replica of the current database at a new location.
- createView (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a view.
- enableFolder (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Ensures that a folder exists, creating it if necessary.
- fixup (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Runs the Fixup task on a database.
- FTDomainSearch (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Conducts a Domain Search, that is, a full-text search of all databases listed in a Domain Catalog and marked as included for multi-database indexing.
- FTSearch (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Conducts a full-text search of all the documents in a database.
- FTSearchRange (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Conducts a full-text search of all the documents in a database.
- getAgent (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Finds an agent in a database, given the agent name.
- getAllReadDocuments (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a document collection of all read documents in the database.
- getAllUnreadDocuments (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Creates a document collection of all unread documents in the database.
- getDB2Schema (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Gets the DB2® Schema of the current database.
- getDocumentByID (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Finds a document in a database, given the document note ID.
- getDocumentByUNID (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Finds a document in a database, given the document universal ID (UNID).
- getDocumentByURL (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Instantiates a document in the database on which it is called and returns a NotesDocument
object for it.
- getForm (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Finds a form in a database, given the form name.
- getModifiedDocuments (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Gets the documents in a database that are modified since a specified time.
- getModifiedDocumentsWithOptions (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Lets you retrieve all modified documents meeting matches for specified options.
- getOption (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Gets the value of a database option.
- getOutline (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Gets an outline in the current database.
- getProfileDocCollection (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Retrieves the profile documents associated with a profile form.
- getProfileDocument (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Retrieves or creates a profile document.
- getURL (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Returns the Domino® URL of the parent object.
- getURLHeaderInfo (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Gets specific Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) header information from the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A URL is a text string used for identifying and addressing a Web resource.
- getView (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Finds a view or folder in a database, given the name or alias of the view or folder.
- grantAccess (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Modifies a database access control list to provide a specified level of access to a person, group, or server.
- markForDelete (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Marks a database for deletion from a server in a cluster.
- open (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Opens a database.
- openByReplicaID (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Given a server name and a replica ID, opens the specified database, if it exists.
- openIfModified (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Given a date, opens the specified database if it has been modified since that date.
- openWithFailover (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Opens a database on a server.
- queryAccess (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Returns a person's, group's, or server's current access level to a database.
- queryAccessPrivileges (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Returns the privileges of a person, group, or server in a database.
- queryAccessRoles (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Returns the roles of a person, group, or server in a database.
- remove (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Permanently deletes a database.
- removeFTIndex (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Removes a full-text index from a database.
- replicate (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Replicates a local database with its replica(s) on a server.
- revokeAccess (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Removes a person, group, or server from a database access control list.
- search (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Given selection criteria for a document, returns all documents in a database that meet the criteria.
- setOption (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Sets the value of a database option.
- setUserIDForDecrypt (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
After calling this method on a database, any document that is opened within the database is decrypted using the encryption keys within the userID object, as specified in the document SecretEncryptionKeys field.
- sign (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Signs elements in a database with the signature of the current user.
- updateFTIndex (NotesDatabase - JavaScript)
Updates the full-text index of a database.