NotesMIMEEntity (JavaScript)

Represents an item of type MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).


To access the MIME content of a NotesDocument object:


A valid NotesMIMEEntity object becomes invalid if any of the following methods are applied to the containing NotesDocument object: computeWithForm, encrypt, save, send, sign, or closeMIMEEntities.

Avoid processing items as both NotesItem and NotesMIMEEntity objects concurrently. Once you start using NotesMIMEEntity properties and methods, do not use other methods that access items in the same document until you terminate MIME processing with computeWithForm, encrypt, save, send, sign, or closeMIMEEntities.

An item named $NoteHasNativeMIME with a value of 1 indicates that the document contains a MIME entity. An item of type MIME part contains the body of the MIME entity; in mail messages this is typically the item named Body. For a multipart MIME entity, the document has multiple MIME part items, one for each parent and child entity. The MIME part item contains headers such as Content-Type and Content-Transfer-Encoding, the preamble (parent entities), and body content (child and stand-alone entities). In a mail message, items with certain names correspond to MIME headers, for example, Subject (Subject header), SendTo (To header), and Received (Received header).

The NotesMIMEEntity and NotesMIMEHeader classes collect and organize the MIME information from a document. One NotesMIMEEntity object represents a document containing a MIME entity that is not multipart. Multiple NotesMIMEEntity objects represent a document containing a MIME entity that is multipart. A multipart MIME entity consists of multiple parent and child entities. A child entity can also be a parent.

On an XPage, a rich text control is of type Its getHTML method gets the content of the rich-text control as XML. You can use this XML in setContentFromText to initialize a new NotesMIMEEntity object.

On an XPage, you can use getContentAsText to set the value of a rich text control.

A rich text control set from getContentAsText is not immediately accessible as a object and programmatic access returns null. The user must first make an edit in the control.