Exporting project resources from a project

You might want to share failed project resources from a large regression project with other testers and developers, take working project resources from your own draft project and import to a new clean project, or share project resources with support to troubleshoot a problem. To share project resources, you can use the Export Resources wizard.

About this task

The wizard bundles the project resources to export in an archive file and writes that file to a target location.

You can select the required project resources to export from any place within Test Integrations and APIs that you can see project resources and save the resources in the target location. These resources can be used later in different projects on different computers.

Note: When permissions are enabled for a project, the Export Resources menu item is only enabled if the current user has View permission for the Architecture School and Test Factory.
Note: There are some situations in which not all of the dependencies required to use a selected resource will be exported. The following is a non-exhaustive list of scenarios:
  • Referenced files that are outside of the project structure will not be included.
  • The logical database referenced by a dbQuery, dbUpdate or XMLdbQuery function will not be included; it must be selected manually.

To export the project resources to an archive file, follow this procedure.


  1. Click Export Resources from the Project menu.

    The Export Resources wizard is displayed.

  2. On the Select Resources to Export page, select the project resources to export. Click Next.
    • If one or more project resources were selected before you open the wizard, those resources are automatically selected and shown on the Select Resources to Export page.
    • Resources on which the selected resources depend are also exported.
    • A selected folder does not mean that its contents are included in the export file.
  3. On the Select Environments to Export page, select each environment that you want to export. Press the space bar to clear or select an environment. Alternatively, click the Include? check box next to each environment. Any physical resource that is bound to an exported logical resource in the selected environments is included in the export file.
  4. On the Select a File page, the Export File field shows the path to the archive file. The default value is the user’s home directory with the name of the project followed by -export. You can also click Browse to select the destination path. Click Finish.

    The export file is written to the specified location.

    If the export file exists, you are asked if you want to overwrite it.