Running the COBOL load module
To run the COBOL module in z/OS®, run the rccbuild command.
About this task
The rccbuild command in batch file runscr.bat passes BCLs and values for user-defined variables to the server.
rccbuild –h servername@port –b runscr –ft runscr.jcl –k IBM-850 –r IBM-037
–v HLQ=hlqname SYSTEM=hlq2name
To run the COBOL load module, do these steps:
- Edit the rccbuild command in the batch
file runscr.bat.
- Run the batch file on the client computer.
The build server returns two output files whose names are
derived from information in the RUNSCR BCL:
- RUNLOG.SYSPRINT is an empty file. RUNLOG is the step name on the EXEC statement that calls BANNER, the COBOL load module.
- RUNLOG.SYSOUT contains the Rational® logo.
These files are returned to the client because RUNSCR BCL also has SYSPRINT and SYSOUT DD statements that include the extension parameter RCCEXT=RCCOUT.