Editing the RCCMVS member


To make the required modifications for RCCMVS, do these steps:
  1. Customize the JOB statement.
    To use the remote build requestor name (TSO ID) as the job name, type &USERID in the job name field. For example:
    Note: It is important to ensure that the account information (following the JOB keyword) does not cross a card boundary and that no JCL comment is provided on the first card.
  2. If you will be using z/OS® Extensions to upload and download large files, increase the region size to 256M as follows:
  3. If you are using a multisystem environment (for example, JES2 MAS and so on), ensure that both the RCCRUNM and RCCMVS jobs run on the same system.
    For example, in a JES2 MAS, you should add the following JOBPARM statement after the JOB statement in the RCCMVS job:
    /*JOBPARM   S=*

    The asterisk (*) forces the RCCMVS job to run on the system from which it is submitted.

  4. Modify the data set name in the STEPLIB DD statement to point to the load library data set that contains the Remote Build modules.
    Note: If CALL statement with WAIT option is used, ensure that STEPLIB DD has only one dataset name and that it is not concatenated.
  5. If the load library data set that contains the Remote Build modules is included in the system linklist, remove the STEPLIB DD statement.
    Note: If CALL statement with WAIT option is used, ensure that –v CCULIB=X.X.X is specified on your rccbuild command line for your build. X.X.X is the load library data set that contains the Remote Build modules.
  6. Optional: Modify the RCCPROC DD statement to point to the data set that contains your z/OS build scripts (called BCL scripts).
    Note: This modification is necessary only if your build scripts reside on the z/OS system.
  7. If your build scripts reside on the distributed side, there is no need to change the JCL to configure the processing of such scripts. The Remote Build client passes the script to the Remote Build server as part of the build transaction.
  8. Optional: To activate tracing for build requests, do these steps.
    1. Add this directive to the PARM clause within the EXEC statement that calls the RCCBLDW load module:
    2. Update the EDCENV DD statement and point to a sequential data set or a PDS member:
      //EDCENV DD DSN=sequential.dataset,DISP=SHR
    3. In the sequential data set that the DSN parameter points to, add only this line:
  9. If you are using role-based Resource Manager, add the USER and NOTIFY options to the job card:
    //&USERID  JOB ,                                                   
    //     MSGCLASS=H,REGION=7M,TIME=2,                                
    Note: USER=&SYSUID,NOTIFY=&SYSUID must be the last line in the job card.