Customizing TSO Client environment PDS for individual

Before you begin

You need to have configured the TSO Client REXX execs as described in Customizing the TSO Client REXX execs.

About this task

TSOC stores environment profiles under <HLQ>.<VERSION>.TSCENV by default. TSO Client also permits users to define and store their environment profiles under customized PDS. If you need to customize your environment profiles' location, edit the member RCCTSOR under <HLQ>.<VERSION>.<TSCRX>.


The following example shows a section of the contents of RCCTSOR:
HLQ = 'RCC.version'
To use another data set, change as the following example:
HLQ = 'RCC.version'
/* ENV = HLQ'.TSCENV' */

Data set userid.TSC.ENV of the same size as RCC.version.TSCENV is allocated when each user executes the RCCTSOR member for the first time. If you need to change the size, modify parameters in Make_PDS_ENV section in RCCTSOR before executing RCCTSOR.

In addition, if there are any changes for ENV in file RCCTSOR, they are only valid if the TSO Client is restarted. A suggested practice is to create data set userid.TSC.ENV and environment profiles under the data set before you start the TSO Client.