Issuing API calls

Before you begin

Before you can write TSO Client API calls from your application program, you must be running in a TSO environment and calling the API functions from a REXX™ exec. To review a sample program that demonstrates the use of various API functions, see Sample TSO Client API program.
Note: Refer to the TSO/E REXX User's Guide for information on REXX programming standards and procedures.

About this task

To perform the API function calls, select the function you want to call and add REXX commands.


Use the following procedure to configure your calling exec:
  1. Assign values to your parameters:
    parameter = value
  2. Issue the API call.
    rccresult = function_name(parm1,parm2,parm3...)
    The returned data from the call is placed in rccresult, delimited by spaces.
  3. Parse rccresult into the variables rccret, rccrsn, and rccmsgtext
    Parse Var rccresult rccret rccrsn rccmsgtext