Using previous versions of the Remote Build server

A remote build server of one release can support remote build requests from remote build clients of that release or the immediately previous release. However, if the request is from the previous release of the client, new features of the current version are not available.

For example, release of the remote build server supports remote build requests from 2003.06 remote build clients. When invoked by a 2003.06 remote build client, new remote build features of the 7.0 release are available.

COND parameter of the EXEC statement

Before release, BCL was called pseudo-JCL. In releases prior to, Remote Build pseudo-JCL processing was incorrectly checking the various conditions that can be specified on the COND parameter of the EXEC statement. That behavior is corrected in
Note: Before release, BCL was called pseudo-JCL.
With a large amount of BCL code written, it is recognized that there is a need to ease the migration from earlier releases. The BCL code is adjusted to compensate for the error. Therefore, a migration mechanism is provided in this release. A server option is provided that can return the COND feature to its former behavior. The previous behavior is enabled by the new server migration option -oldcond.
Note: This option is not recommended. It is included as a migration aid, which might be removed in the future.

For details, see Editing the RCCRUNM or RCCRUNU member.