Linking a VOB to an administrative VOB
Any VOB can be linked to an administrative VOB from which it derives definitions of type objects such as branch types and label types.
About this task
Type objects are a fundamental part of the DevOps Code ClearCase® data
model. It is useful to establish an administrative VOB hierarchy into which
new VOBs can be placed to simplify type administration. For more information
about administrative VOBs and global types, see VOB datatypes and administrative VOB hierarchies.
Note: A PVOB is the administrative VOB for all UCM component VOBs that are
included in projects defined in that PVOB. Every UCM component VOB is created
with an AdminVOB hyperlink to its PVOB. If a project uses multiple
PVOBs, each VOB must each have an AdminVOB hyperlink to
a common PVOB in which shared components and streams are defined.
With the VOB Creation Wizard, you can specify the administrative VOB for each new VOB that you create. If you create a VOB with mkvob, you must specify the VOB’s administrative VOB in a subsequent mkhlink command that creates an AdminVOB hyperlink from the VOB to its administrative VOB.
cleartool mkhlink –c "link to admin VOB" AdminVOB vob:\dev vob:\admin_dev
Created hyperlink "AdminVOB@40@\dev"