DevOps Code ClearCase registry backup and switchover
DevOps Code ClearCase® provides tools that enable you to configure one or more backup registry hosts. A backup registry host can take over when a registry server fails.
Access to the registry is critical for nearly all DevOps Code ClearCase operations. Because registry data is such an important resource, you can designate any DevOps Code ClearCase host as a backup registry host and periodically copy registry data to it with the rgy_backup command. If the primary registry host fails, you can run the rgy_switchover program, which promotes the backup registry host to primary registry host and reconfigures client hosts to use it if the clients are online and running the location broker (albd).
This topic describes two scenarios that involve the failure of a registry host, one that assumes you have been using rgy_backup and one that assumes you have not (but have been backing up the primary registry host's file system, as described in Backing up DevOps Code ClearCase registry data).